CH 8 - Side effects, Benefits and...Whatever?

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Ray and one of the Officers were having an intense argument when Max reached them. The Police office was refusing to let anyone but Kai, to go to the Hospital. He wanted all of us to help him in describing the crime scene.

Max, the usual peacemaker in the team, resumed his role once more. "Please let a few of us to go at least. Let Hilary go as she wasn't even there when the bullet was fired. And Tyson and Kai share the same blood group. They may need him. The rest of us will stay only if you promise to drop us at the hospital after the investigation."

Ray tried protesting. "There is nothing we can do now Ray. Tyson and Hillary will surely be able to manage for a few hours." The officer conceded to his terms, but added in an afterthought. "But I think you should go too. "

"I'm fine." Max stated, stubbornness evident in his tone.

The officer questioned Ray and Kenny and listened to their version of the story before calling Max. Tyson, Hilary and Kai had already left. He went directly to the point. "So...two young ladies in their mid twenties attack you, huh?"

"Before you continue with your questions, I found out a few things that might help you." He raised his eyebrows. "Lead me to them then. "Max shows them the wigs and the gun. "That's exactly what the two women were wearing!" Kenny exclaimed.

The officer examines the gun before touching it. "No... There's no finger-prints on this. They must have been wearing gloves." "Ohh..." Max said, a bit deflated at the news. "Do any of you recognise the symbol?" He questioned.

A 3-D pentagon with numerous lines. The symbol was coloured with different shades of blue. The symbol looked familiar. Max's gaze blurred for a moment as he took a shaky step towards it. "Do you know what it means?" The officer questioned again.

"I-I've seen it before. But where...." Max started. "Try remembering it kiddo, it might be important. " the Officer pressed. "It's a Research University's symbol. An American university not very well known but yeah...that's the one." Max confirmed.

"And how do you know this?" the officer asked.

Max looked a bit offended by this question. "Because I'm half American and have lived most of my life in America. Besides, my mother had been invited as the Guest Of Honor Scientist for some research there. Around six-eight months ago."

"Who's your mother?" The officer enquired. "Judy Tate. She's the head scientist of the All starz, an American Beyblading Team. She was invited to help them in some research but she refused." Max replied.

"Is she famous?" the Officer asked. Max didn't know what to say. He never liked to tell people of his mother's fame. "What..Oh I-" he started but his vision blurred and tilted. He got hold of a table to support myself. Ray was the only one who noticed this.

"Is that even a question? She's one of the most famous of the American scientists and ranks twenty-seventh in world popularity." Kenny answered for him. "This could prove to be an important angle in the case, may state the reason for the attack being aimed at you..." The Police thought out loud.

"And do you know anything else about them? Something to make searching for them a bit easier." He questioned. Max tried remembering any more details, but started loosing focus. He also noticed that he was sweating profusely, was slightly struggling for breath and his legs were trembling badly.

Ray shouted at the Officer. "Can't you see his condition? He recovered from a Panic Attack not an hour ago and his head is hurt. Your investigation can wait till the morning. He needs rest!"

"The-they had been insisting mom for a collaboration for months together, something to do with Another Russian University, something about a collaboration. Was also informed in a newspaper, a Russian one..."

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