CH 10 - Ruby-eyed, Brown-haired Beautiful

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"When was the last time you ate something?" Ray asked, rather suddenly. Tyson struggled to find the words. "I uh-um...."

"OMG, Tyson forgets to have food!!" Max lightheartedly teases. Tyson just shrugged. Max decided then and there that he would hit his head to a wall, if he continued talking without thinking through his words. 

He continued, in a much gentler tone, "How about we go to the Cafeteria now and wait for Hillary? Besides we have something more to discuss." Max shares a look with Kenny. Tyson looked confused at this exchange, but accepted the invitation.


Tyson brings himself a tray with sandwiches and a pizza though he didn't have much of an appetite. He had just started eating when he asked, "So what did you want to talk about?"

Kenny started for them, "Have you seen the news lately, Tyson?" "Nope?" Tyson said, between a mouthful. Kenny shrugged, not pointing out table manners for Tyson. They had all learnt it was a lost cause. "Well.. the media has declared Kai dead, and Max as injured."

Tyson spluttered at this, he had to drink some water before expressing himself. "What! that's ridicu...," but caught himself as he changed his thought perspective, relaxing back into the chair. "Never mind, they at least got one correct." he said, continuing with his breakfast. Max exclaimed, "That's exactly what I said!" before exchanging a high-five as Ray and Kenny sigh in exasperation.

Kenny explained, in a serious tone, "But we have to stop the rumors, Tyson. They all are searching for the hospital we are in. So we better try to remain inconspicuous. Besides-" Tyson moaned in annoyance, "I don't want another Hillary using such big words..."

Kenny makes an impatient noise. "We better keep a low profile... Draw less attention to ourselves until we speak to Mr D and arrange a press conference. I've suggest we to do it today itself, after we know Kai's condition."

"Okay." they all said, approvingly of the plan.

"Hey Hillary." Ray greets. Everyone turned their attention towards her now. She didn't look much better, in her pale yellow sleeveless crop-top and maroon plazo pants. Unlike Tyson, Hillary had at least taken up the effort to clean herself. He hair was in a low pony, in contrast with her usual free bouncy hair. Her face was pale, without any skin cream she might daily apply, and her dark circles were more pronounced than that of Tyson's. She definitely looked tired. Now that he mentioned it, Ray remembered that Hillary didn't look any better on the day he last met her. He thought of asking her about it sometime privately.

"Hi...." she acknowledged his greetings, and then turned to Tyson, "Did you pay for the Operation at the Reception? I have been searching for you guys for ten minutes now. "

"Yeah I did. What about you?" Tyson asks.

"I did it just now. Sorry, didn't inform you earlier. Got a bit late." She said as she took a seat between Max and Tyson. She turned towards Max and touched his forehead, examining the bandages. "Hope you are okay now Maxy. Did you get it checked?" Max nodded. "Forgive me. I couldn't take a look at your wound yesterday."

Max once again dismissed the apology, "Hey, I'm fine...... You were tending to Kai's injury. Anyways Ray's quite good at it." "hmm...." she said, smiling a smile that no longer reached her tired eyes.

Suddenly, Tyson places a plate of sandwiches in front of her. He sternly said, "Have it. You haven't had anything for god knows how long..." There is silence at our table as everyone stares at Tyson.

Kenny once again rescues them all from the awkward silence, "It's 10 o'clock guys. I, Max and Ray will be at the OT. Finish your breakfast and join us." he said closing his laptop and standing up.

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