Whats Done in the Dark

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    "Answer the fucking phone!" Quincy yelled throwing the phone at the steering wheel of his car

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"Answer the fucking phone!" Quincy yelled throwing the phone at the steering wheel of his car. He was on his 57th missed call to Ryan. So filled with anger and humiliation he forgot that she had a booking. Cranking up his car, he unlocked his phone to check her location. He then put it in his gps and sped off to her.

So much was on his mind. He just could not believe his eyes. He could not fathom that the love of his life could do that to him. She just couldn't. There had to be a reasonable explanation, even though cheating is unforgivable. These was just no way she could betray him like that. That just wasn't his Ryan. His heart was shattered into pieces. This was the first time he cried in years. Of course he did not let Elijah see him cry, but once he hit the highway everything just came crashing down on him. And that motherfucker was heavy.

Pulling up to the venue he waited for her to finish performing. He was definitely angry but he was not the type to stop her money or cause a scene. So he waited. He could feel his heart beating out of his chest, and his temperature rising. He felt like beating her ass but he was raised differently. But he know who ass he could and would beat.

She finally finished and was heading to the back of the building. He walked up to her, yelling out her name to get her attention.

"Ryan! Yo let me holla at you " He yelled speed walking towards her

"Hi baby, what's wrong? You okay?" She asked concerned. She could see that he was upset with her and that made her heart skip a beat.

He grabbed her arm pulling her to the side where nobody was around

"Am I okay?" He scoffed, laughing humorlessly.
"If I wanted a hoe I would've fucked with one of yo friends"

"Excuse me?" She asked surprised at the words coming from his lips. He would never disrespect women so this was new to her

"Answer me this..." he rubbed his chin staring at her in the eyes. "Did you fuck Luke?"

That made her heart sink to hell.

"W-what?" She stuttered. She was honestly lost for words

"Did. You. Fuck. Luke. Your producer?" He asked again this time slower

"Who-who told you this?" She stuttered

He laughed bitterly. "I found out you fucked another nigga and all you can say is who told me?" He shook his head

"I should've known." He continued. "Fucking stupid!" He punched the wall

"Baby, baby stop. Baby I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.." she cried trying to calm him

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