Oikawa Tooru

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This is where it gets heated. Also, I will be saying a lot of things that may be offensive, but please don't think I'm targeting you. I'm just ranting things I hate and why I hate it. 

1. Flattykawa Dooru

This joke is not funny. This is body shaming. And if anyone would to say that to him directly in front of his team, they wouldn't laugh or agree, they would make them regret saying that. It's body shaming, and body shaming someone isn't nice. I was body shamed as a joke in 5th grade by my friend. I'm a 4'11" female and my friend had called me multiple times a flat chested neutral and a boy. The most offensive was one time three of my friends, may I state were all male. Let's call them Mark, Derek, and Carl. We were playing in the play ground, Mark said "Hey (irl name), hold Derek's hand." And at that time, I think Derek liked me. So I was contemplating whether I should or not, when Carl up and told me "Just say No homo. It'll make things better." At that point I already decided to hold Derek's hand, but when I heard that I turn my head and ask Mark "Did he just call me a flat chested neutral?" Mark looked at me and said "No. He called you a boy." You don't know how mad I was. I knew it was a joke, but still to this day, it's been 2 years and it still makes me mad thinking about it. I never told Carl that it made me mad, cause I always thought that he would make fun of me for it by saying that I couldn't take a joke. Body shaming is not funny, and it never will be

2. The whole Seijoh team hating him

Oikawa is not hated by the Seijoh team. Sure they like to mock him, but it's light mocking. If anything, they respect him as their captain and setter. They appreciate him. But the fact that the fandom decides that Seijoh absolutely hates him, destroys every bit of respect I had for the fandom

3. Being timid

If you've seen those stories/videos where Oikawa is very timid and unlike himself, you probably know what I mean by this. Oikawa is an energetic, passionate person who speaks up for what he believes is right. And the fact that people make him so timid angers me.

Better fanon? Here's how

1. Stop the Flattykawa joke. It's just plain out body shaming. Wanna call him something mean? Try calling him Shittykawa/Crappykawa.

2. Stop making him hated. Make him respected and loved.

3. Make him chaotic. But keep it a little vanilla.

Thank you for coming to my rant 

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