The Beach

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Jay: Y'all Ready?

Hailey: coming

Kim: almost 

Adam: can y'all move any slower

Kevin: I know seriously 

Adam: girls. Ph

Vanessa: oh shut up y'all 

Jay: alright in the car before they give away the house

Kim: yes sir 

Hailey: haha. We all put our stuff in the truck of the SUV. We all decided to go to the beach of our day off. Jay is driving cus he's the best driver out of all of us. I hop in the front seat and the rest of the team climbs in the back. 

Adam: how come Hailey got the front she's literally the smallest among us.

Hailey: fight me

Jay: hey I'm just driving I took no part in this. 

Adam: she's your girlfriend

Jay: I raise my hands 

Kim: dude hands on the wheel 

Jay: geez we're not gonna crash 

Kim: ya never know.

Hailey: this is going to be a long car ride. 

Kevin: says the person who's in the big comfy spacious front seat.

Hailey: I'm talking about you. I'm chilling 

Kevin:" I hate you."

Hailey: we're driving down the Florida which is a pretty long drive from Chicago. We rented a house on the beach for 2 days.

Jay: "alright we made it to Buckys. I'll fill up the gas meet her in 5?"

Kim: sounds good.

Jay: hails buy me 

Hailey: chips and a soda, got it

Jay: thanks 

I fill up the gas while everyone goes and buys snacks. 

A few minutes later 

Hailey: "here". I hand Jay the chips 

Jay: thanks

Kevin: ok I think we're all ready 

Jay: k. I start to pull the car out

Adam: "wait!!"

Hailey: oh my lord. That idiot 

Adam: you almost left me!

Kim: we said 5 minutes 

Adam: I couldn't decide!!

Jay; alright get in before we leave you.

Hours later. It's around 7 pm.

Jay: we're here. 

Kevin: I call first dibs on the biggest room. 

Hailey: first come, first serve!

Jay: I tell Hailey. "Go, I got the luggage"

Hailey, Kevin, and Kim race to find the biggest room. 

Hailey: Jokes on them, I'm the one who booked the house so I know where the master is. I run upstairs and take a right and run into the master. "Found it!"

Kim: I hate you. 

Hailey: second biggest room is that one. I point to the one across the hall. 

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