Finding out

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Adam: wake up lovebirds 

Hailey: no. I stay laying on Jays bare chest 

Kevin: get up 

Hailey: will you at least say please 

Kim: please????

Hailey: fine. We said this last time why won't you let us sleep. 

Adam: because we're at the beach 

Hailey; fine we're coming give us some time we'll meet you their 

Kevin: pretty sure you said this exact words last time 

Hailey: probably did

Adam: okay we will be on the beach 

Hailey; meet y'all their

Jay: you did that to get rid of them right

Hailey: it worked and I have to pump for a little 

Jay: you only need to do it twice a day right?

Hailey: yeah once right when we wake and right when we sleep so it will be fine 

Jay: alright I'm going to hop in the shower 

Hailey: k 

A little later

Hailey: hand me my swimsuit. 

Jay: which one you have 20

Hailey: white tube top and light pink bottoms 

Jay: that's better. Here

Hailey: thanks. Aww look at our kiddos 

Jay: aww thier so cute in their swimsuits. How far are they?

Hailey: a few houses down not far at all 

Jay: you don't think theyll see us?

Hailey: Lauren prob won't notice and it's not like Maria ( the babysitter) will say anything

Jay: yeha your right. Okay let's go 

Kim: hey y'all got up 

Hailey: yes we are happy?

Adam: very 

Kevin: we have been waiting for y'all

Hailey: you can get in the ocean without us. It's not a big deal 

Vanessa: we know, we thought we would just sit around for a little 

Hailey: alright well no need to wait any longer 

We al run into the ocean and hang around and talk. Jay wraps his arms around my neck. 

Hailey: Kim how's Makayla?

Kim: she's doing great. Loves to play with puppets. Hasn't freaked out since that day in school 

Hailey: that's amazing 

Kim: yea she's my world 

Hailey: your a great mom

Vanessa: yeah I chat imagine having kids and working. Seems like a lot. 

Kevin: yeah I don't know how Antonio did it 

Hailey: Diego and Eva were teenagers so I think it was easier cus they were in school 

Adam: yeah probably. Alright I'm cold y'all wanna get out 

Hailey: yeah sure. 

We hop of the ocean and dry off when I hear a voice 

Lauren: daddy!! 

Jay: oh shi

Lauren: hi 

Jay: hey baby 

Maria: I am so sorry 

Hailey: it's fine. Hey baby." I take Bella out of Maria's arms. "They we're going to find out anyway. Go spend time with Tom"

Maria: ok thank you 

Lauren: mommy we built a sandcastle. 

Hailey: oh did you

Lauren: yes then Bella smashed it

Jay: she didn't mean it baby 

Lauren: she smashes everything 

Jay: she's your baby sister be nice

Lauren: sorry. 

Jay: your fine 

Kevin: so I guess you do now how Antonio did it

Hailey: Guys meet our kids Lauren and Bella....

Kim: you have kids.. you two... together??

Jay: yes. Lauren is two and Bella is 6 months 

Bella reaches for Jay 

Hailey: ok why do both my kids like you better 

Jay:  haha sorry 

Adam: omg your a dad. I never imagined you the father type 

Vanessa: you changed him Hailey 

Hailey; yeah I did 

Jay: well ig we should tell them our other secret 

Kim: what other secret 

Hailey: notice my tan line?? I told up my hand

Kim: your married?????

Jay: yep

Adam: two kids and married. Does Voight know?

Hailey: he knows about Lauren that's why he said I was undercover didn't know about Bella and our marriage

Kevin: why didn't you tell us 

Hailey: that's a more complicated story. Basically I didn't want my father knowing I had kids... he's not the best guy you know that 

Kevin: yeah we get it 

Kim: well can I hold her 

Jay: sure. I hand over Bella and she starts to cry 

Jay: sorry she's a shy kid. I take Bella back

Kim: it's totally normal

Lauren: hey daddy 

Jay: hey baby 

Vanessa: that's the cutest thing iv ever seen. I tell Hailey 

Hailey: she's a lucky little kid. Jay is the best dad, he's amazing with them and they love him 

Vanessa: you love him to 

Hailey: he's my world. Their my world. 

Vanessa: I'm glad you found your guy

Hailey: me to

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