sussy baka

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omg i hvae a c rush andr!#1!@my rcrush is sara angleo labouski omg yaayyfyay she bringns da lifew to the serverere and its so cole and god and awsome. plz no juging that vrey mean and i wilrejilk relase my sprarlke gliter shiterer powesr on yuo and you will regreat it a lot. im such a toough guy. do you thinkfs sara wiirl like jme?!?#E>Wd if you dsay no i wiel find you and kill you. 

im going toir aks sara out on a dat with me becaus eim so epikc and amazing she cant resist me1!!1 

"hey sara will you go out on a date with me uwuwueuwuwuwu" i ask nicley and politly

"wat" she respoinds sexily

i imedietly get turnd on by her voi;ce. she is so hot./ i watn to have sex wtih her now. 

"sara do you want to have sex." i ask cooly and amazingley

"wat iz dat" she akzsed hotley.

i pen her to the wall and start sexign her. it wads a suepr cool expeirience. 10/10 wold recomend. 

"wat r u doin" she moend 

"good kiten' i said. i think tha is what your suposed to say wen your haveing sex. 

then i cremed becase she was so seggsy owo 


A/N: idk what else to put so hasfdhahdh 

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