Chapter 3

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Serena's POV:

"Wow good job everybody that was so much fun!"

Her pokémon all smiled and were happy with their performance.

"Well, everyone let's go back to the pokecenter and we'll see what to do next."

~~ 10 minutes later ~~

"Today has been a good day, wonder what I should do now?"

"SERENA!" said a familiar voice.

Third person POV:

Serena turned around surprised to see Ash running towards her.

Ash reached Serena and gave her a hug which made her blush.

"I've missed you Serena, it's been so long!" Ash said with his signature grin.

"I've missed you too Ash" Serena said breaking the hug.

"I saw your performance and you were incredible!" Ash said smiling.

"Thank you"- Serena said with a little shade of pink in her cheeks.

"It was nice to see you work hard for your dream with a big smile" Ash said with a smile while looking at her.

"Thank you, Ash, and I see you are making progress towards your dream too!" She said smiling.

"That was quite a victory in Alola..." Serena said with a smirk.

"So, you saw it huh" Ash said smiling.

"Of course, I would, and you never fail to surprise me." Serena said.

"Th-hank you-u" Ash said while scratching his nose hiding his face a little.

The two would converse about their adventures and the experiences they had to go through. Ash talked about his adventures in Alola and how he now is travelling all the regions with his friend Goh. Serena told him how good contests were and how she was planning on moving on to get more experience before trying to get the kalos queen title.

"I've missed talking to you" Ash suddenly said with a smile.

"I did too" Serena replied with a small blush that Ash seemed to notice and just smiled a little more.

"ASH WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN" scram Goh behind them.

"Oh, hey Goh I'd like you to meet Serena, she's an old companion and a very close friend" Ash said as he and Serena had a slight blush which Goh seemed to notice immediately.

"Hello Serena, I'm Goh and I'm trying to catch every pokémon!" Goh said with a determined smile.

"Hi" Said Serena with a little smile.

"So, Goh did you already get all the research you were going to get?" asked Ash with a more serious face.

"Yes, and the professor has received it." Goh said with a smile.

"He also allowed us to stay here a few days so that we enjoy Hoenn for a little while longer" Goh said which left Ash very happy.

"Now we can hang out with you Serena! Well, if you want to..." said Ash while scratching the back of his head and with an awkward smile.

"I'd love to" Serena replied with a pink blush in her cheeks which made Ash happy.

"So where are you staying Serena" asked Goh.

"I'd usually stay at a pokecenter but since I'm with you then I'll just move in with you" Serena said.

"Well then a pokecenter it is" Ash said smiling.

Both Serena and Goh smiled at Ash's positive attitude and followed him towards the pokecenter.

"I can't believe I am hanging out with him again" She thought "He's still as cute and cool as he was when I last saw him".

Goh noticed Serena blushing and smiling while looking at Ash which made him smile knowing what he will be working on the next following days...

As they got to the pokecenter, they managed to get a room with three beds. Ash was the first one to fall asleep which let Goh ask Serena about something he was suspecting.

Serena was looking at the moon when she saw Goh getting closer and asked what's wrong.

"Do you like Ash?" asked Goh while looking at the sky.

"Wh-aa-t" Serena said feeling flustered and covering her face.

"Do you like Ash in a romantic way?" Goh asked with a curious expression.

"I mean I admire him, and he always inspired me to do the best I could and never give up" Serena explained.

"He was there in my lows and cheered for me in my highs, I feel happier when he's with me and-and I think he's cu-u-te" She said while looking down with a blush.

"I figured" Said Goh "Have you ever told him how you felt?"

"Well before I left for Hoenn I-I ki-s-se-d him..."

"HUH!" exclaimed Goh "Well I did not expect that..."

Goh then noticed a tear from Serena and asked if she was ok.

"I don't understand these feelings... I just feel so tired of dealing with this stress and I can't handle it anymore" She continued.

"I kissed him, yet he hasn't said anything, and I now think I did a mistake" She said as she kept crying.

Goh put his arm on her shoulder and said "No, you did not do anything wrong."

She looked at him while wiping her tears off her face.

"Just give him time Serena, I know for a fact that with the short interaction you two had that he feels a little different about you" explained Goh.

"You do?" asked the crying girl.

"Yes, and I know that if you give him a little more time and maybe share more moments with him then he might be able to piece everything together" Said a confident Goh with a smile "And I'll help you get through to him, no matter what."

"Thank you, Goh, you are a good friend" Serena said with a weak smile.

Ash opened his eyes to see them together and he felt a little bit of jealousy that he did not understand. He closed his eyes and started to think about what he was feeling when he saw Goh and Serena together. He still did not understand why he felt so weird for Serena. Ever since that day on the airport, he didn't know what he was feeling.

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