Chapter 24

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Chapter Twenty-Four

George POV

After the Christmas Eve festivities of dinner and playing Wizard's snap, everyone began to turn in for the night. Mrs. Weasley, after cleaning the kitchen, was exhausted and went to bed the earliest. Lupin and his father had stayed up but went out to the shed for privacy. They told Fred and him that it was Order business and to keep the younger ones away from the shed. When George pointed out that Hermione was of age right now, his father and shot him a warning glance. "We are not dealing with these types of fights again, George. You know the rule. If someone is still in Hogwarts, they are not to be a member of the Order. I'm not having this conversation with you again."

He nodded and shoved his hands into his robes. He knew better than to bring it up, but he wanted her to know everything that was going on. It felt silly not to let her know. She was bright enough. She would understand the importance of keeping a secret.

Fred clapped him on the back. "Chin up, Forge. We have sweaters to look forward to in the morning. Let's go to bed."

The twins took the stairs two at a time and ran smack into Ginny and Hermione who were arguing in front of their sister's room. "What's going on, ladies?" George asked in a joking manner as he leaned against the door frame behind Hermione.

"Not arguing, I hope." Fred added, mimicking George's move and leaning behind Ginny. "Otherwise, I will have to take away points from Gryffindor."

"Hermione is mad because she knows I'm right for once." Ginny stuck her tongue out at the other Gryffindor girl. "I've decided to go over her head about the matter."

"No!" Hermione was blushing across her cheeks which made George chuckle. "She is not going to do anything."

Ginny raised her red eyebrows and turned her attention to the twins. "I told Hermione that you boys wouldn't mind if she stayed in your room as long as mum doesn't find out. I think it would be nice for you two to have more time together."

George opened his mouth and shut it. He was one for breaking the rules but the wrath of Mrs. Weasley on this matter would be wicked to deal with. He knew that Bill didn't care because Fleur already was disliked. He would hate for Hermione to get on his mother's bad side again. Fred laughed and clapped the back of George's back. "I don't mind! If George does, Hermione could always snuggle up in my bed."

"Fred." George smacked his twin's stomach. "I suppose we do have first patrol in the morning... Hermione you would have to go back into Ginny's room then, so mum doesn't catch you." George blushed now to match Hermione's.

"This is a bad idea!" Hermione clipped and looked between the three Weasley's. "I think you're as much trouble as your brothers!"

Ginny raised her head up high and her blue eyes filled with a proud fire. "That is the highest compliment you could have ever given to me. I'll see you in the morning." She winked and closed the door to her room with Hermione's pillow outside the door.

The curly-haired Gryffindor shook her head in disbelief. "Weasley's... you all will be the death of me, I swear." She picked up her scarlet colored pillow and turned to the twins. "Well... lead the way."

Fred laughed and bound down the hall to their room. "Don't act like you don't know where to go, you've been to the Burrow multiple times, Hermione."

"You don't have to stay the night with me if you don't want to." George whispered as Fred went into their room ahead of them.

"I want to. I'm just nervous is all. If your mother catches us..." She shuddered at the idea. "I hope I don't talk in my sleep again."

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