Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

George POV

"George! George! Come now!" Fred came running into the joke shop with a pale look on his face and a frantic sound in his voice. "We have to go, now."

"Woah, Freddie. What's going on?" George held up his hands to slow his twin down.

Fred shook his head furiously back and forth. "They're in trouble."

"Who's in trouble? Fred slow down." George asked with his head spinning with confusion as he took off the apron that he wore at the joke shop.

"They're all in trouble, George. Ginny, Ron, Harry... Hermione."

"No." George snarled with his eyes wild. "She can't be. I joined the Order to keep her safe. Where are they?"

"We have to go. They're at the Department of Mysteries at the Ministry! Come on, Tonks just called us. They walked into a trap."

They apparated as fast as possible to No. 12 Grimmauld Place and walked into the front door. Sirius was screaming at Kreacher in the entranceway. "HOW DARE YOU TELL HIM THAT I WENT TO THE DEPARTMENT OF MINSITRIES. DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU'VE DONE?"

George stumbled into the kitchen where the others were. Lupin and Mad-Eye were devising a plan to get to the Ministry now which meant taking down the apparating wards that didn't allow people to apparat into them. Fred and he stood by the door, bouncing with anticipation to go into battle. All George could think of was protecting Hermione Granger from any danger.

"No! You are not going." Mrs. Weasley screamed when she walked through the door and saw them, pulling him out of his thoughts of the curly haired Gryffindor girl.

"Oh, yes we are." Fred said sternly. "You don't have an excuse to not let us go. We are of age and we are not at Hogwarts anymore. Besides if we did go to school still, we'd be walking headfirst into this mess with the rest of them."

Their mother opened her mouth to begin yelling at them when Tonks agreed with them as she sat at the table. "The more people we have on our side, Molly, the better chance we have of rescuing the others. Think of Ginny and Ron. They need people right now. Let them help."

Their mother began crying and wrapped the boys into tight hugs. "Don't get yourselves killed or so help me; I'll kill you!"

George chuckled and rubbed his mother's back. "That kind of defeats the point, doesn't it?"

She shook her head. "I don't have to make sense. I'm a mother who is grieving that the majority of her family is going into a battle."

After an intense couple minutes of debating and arguing, the leaders devised a plan. Lupin was halfway through explaining it when Sirius walked through the door, finally being done with yelling at Kreacher. "I'm going, Moony."

Lupin seemed to freeze at his Marauder nickname. "Sirius. No... it's too dangerous. What if someone sees you?"

"I've been hiding for far too long. I'm not afraid. I'm only afraid of losing my family." He held on to Remus' hands. "I promised Harry that we would be a proper family when this was over. Don't make me break that promise. I have to make sure you're okay."

Mad-Eye grunted. "Not to break up a lover's quarrel but we really do need to get moving. Now. Follow the plan and whatever happens, don't look back. I don't care if anyone dies."

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