2.7 - Texts & Ultimatums

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Max drove me home after I gave him a few directions. He dropped me off and told me to keep the shirt for now since I was basically wearing nothing underneath and it was way to hard to put my dress back on. I thanked him for the night and rushed through the apartment lobby barefoot with a white shirt barely covering anything. I quickly tapped my floor on the elevator and rushed inside of the apartment. Anna was drinking a glass of water and I was straddled by her voice.

"Looks like Charles and you had a fun night" She mentioned. I stopped breathing for a second, I don't think I can even say everything out loud just yet.

"Yeah, it was nice" I lied before hiding in my room before she asked any more questions.

Shortly after I went into my room and fell asleep.

-  |  -

It was a few days after the party and I felt slowly that my guilt was eating me alive. Charles had started to notice I was lost in thought most times I was around him and began wondering what was wrong. I tried to keep as normal as I could but I felt horrible knowing what I know with Max and Charles being oblivious. It was time to go to Belgium and that made me even more nervous.

Charles decided we could both leave together on the private plane on Thursday morning since it was only a one hour flight and he could be there on time for the press rounds. We left the airport and we actually were staying in the same hotel room for once. It seemed like we could try it out, he is my boyfriend after all and we could see if we could co exist in the same hotel room for a few days together without ripping each others head off.

He went to do track walks and press conference and I actually met up with Liza for a day out with her around Stavelot since we had the morning off due to special guests doing some coverage for the day.We had brunch first and Liza had actually convinced me to go skiing the night before so we headed to the ski track. I was quite surprised that we had managed to go one of the coldest days of the end of summer and there was still some snow that you could ski down, mainly just muddy snow but you would still go down. After some awful falls from Liza to which I did laugh enormously and me trying to teach her not to fall as my family had always had a cabin in Switzerland that we visited during the year, we went to a restaurant nearby.

"So, have you and Lando talked?" She asked.

"Um, no? Should I have talked to him?" I answered confused.

"I just wanted to know if he maybe mentioned me" She bushed.

I giggled. "Of course you do! I can talk to him to see what he thinks but I'm pretty sure I already know the answer babe"

"And that would be?" She motioned me to continue.

"Of course, he likes you. He goes all nervous when he is around you, Charles and I think that is the cutest thing" I reassured her.

"Good because I do kind of like him too" She smiles pleased with herself.

I told you I was a wonderful Cupid, I saw that match since the day they met. Well, since I forced them to meet. I smiled at her, happy that she was happy and that had taken interest in someone as sweet as Lando.

"How are things between you and Charles?" She asked sipping her drink. My smile kind of worn off and I looked at my food intently. "I'm guessing that is a touchy subject"

"Yeah, let's just talk about something else" I shook my head.

"Well, how about you and max?" My face fell again and this time I stared at her.

"Hey, don't look at me like that. I'm interested to know where this love triangle is going" She raised her hands in defense.

"This isn't a love triangle" I rolled my eyes. "Well I mean it is but don't put it like that. It makes it sound so bad"

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