6.4 - Engagment Parties & Storytelling

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The car stopped in front of my house and I thanked the driver before getting out. I entered the code to the gate and the door and I closed the door behind me. Val and Liza were sitting in the living room, Liza looked worried.

"There you are! I was going to come get you" She said. I stood back and stared at both of them. They looked at me attentively, maybe sensing that I didn't want to talk about anything.

"C'mon. Let's get you ready" Val broke the silence and stood up. They both followed me into the room and looked in my closet for the dress that I had bought for this and every other accessory to match while I showered. I turned on the shower and stared at myself in the mirror. My makeup had ran down, my eyeshadow rubbed around from sleeping and crying on it. My hair was tangled and I brought my arm towards my face. I took a deep breath and I realized I smelled like him. I almost didn't want to take a shower, knowing his smell would disappear and along with the smell so would he.

Eventually I jumped in the shower, letting the warm water hit my face, drowning away my sorrows. I traced with my hand his touch from yesterday, his kisses on my neck. Val knocked on the door for me to hurry up and I turned the shower off and wrapped myself with a towel. I left the bathroom and they had began to do their hair so I sat on my vanity and joined them with my hair dryer and my curling wand.

After a few hours, we managed to get ready on time. The flight from the boys was going land any minute and they would just drop their bags and get ready in a few minutes.


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Theo arrived home and dropped his bags in the room.

"Hi babe" He said, leaning foward and giving me a quick kiss.

I faked a smile. "Hi, how was your trip?"

"Oh it was great. It was calmer than I expected it to be, the boys behaved well don't worry" He began giving me a few stories of the trip and I zoned out. He eventually came out with a white button shirt and black dress pants.

A few minutes later, we were all ready to go to the venue. Theo drove one of his cars and I took the passages seat with Liza and Val in the back. Max and Lando would meet us there.

My wedding planner was in the front of the building, greeting guests and making sure that everything was going smoothly. She lead us to the garden where the arrangements were and we began greeting people. I had my arm around Theo's the entire time, my mind elsewhere as people were talking and congratulating us.

A tall blonde middle aged couple approached us.

"Mother, father! You made it" Theo said.

"Of course, we wouldn't miss it" His mother said. "You look lovely Olivia"

"Thank you Kelly! A pleasure to see you both" I said with a big smile that made my cheeks burn.

"I just cannot wait for the wedding, I have seen a few pictures but I'm sure it will be wonderful" She added.

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