Finally happy (Héctor Luis Palma)

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Authors note:
(Spelling will be fixed later.  This is a one part story and is longer then others)   So basically this isn't exactly going to follow the plot or Narcos Mexico it's more like a plot in El Chapo.  So if you haven't seen the show this might not make sense but I will do my best to explain it.  So pretty much this is going to kinda follow the plot of when Chapo screwed up and had to lay low for a while and so did Héctor. Eventually a few weeks turned into a few months and blah blah blah.  They couldn't bring their families with them so they could keep them safe.  So in order for Héctor to keep Y/N and his kids safe he couldn't go back home but he eventually got sick of staying in one house at all times and he went to go see Y/N and his kids. And Y/N is not having a affair and she is his wife. Btw @llemus13 I loved the most recent chapter of your book! Completely didn't expect the pregnancy😳.

Héctor's POV
[sorry it's a little long]

"You can't stop me from doing this Chapo" I yelled.  "Well if your family is killed don't fucking come crawling back begging for my help" he yelled back at me.  "I don't care anymore!  I haven't seen my family in three god damn months and I'm done with it! If you think for one second I would come crawling back your wrong" I yelled then slammed the door and going to my car.  "(His house address) please" I told my driver.  "Right away sir" he said as he started to drive. After about a hour and a half drive we finally arrived at me and my wife's house, "thank you. You can go back to the house" I told my driver. "But sir I'm supposed to take you back" he told me. "Well I will not be returning any time soon" I said as I stepped out of the car and started walking to the front door. Once I got to the doorstep I heard a bunch of laughing coming from the living room so I took a quick peek through the window and saw Y/N and the kids on the couch playing (you pick a bored game). I felt a smile crawl onto my face and I turned back to the door and rang the doorbell. I heard Y/N yell from inside, "one minute!" After about one minute I heard the door start to open and that's when I saw her just standing there looking at me with tears forming in her eyes. "Hi Y/N" I said with a smile. I could tell that she was still in disbelief and had no clue what what to say so she just pulled me into a hug. Once she pulled away she managed to get words out of her mouth, "h-hi" she whispered. "Can we go inside" I asked her. She simply nodded and grabbed my hand then lead me to the living room where the kids still were. "H-hey guys look who's home" she said and the kids turned around. "Daddy" they both screamed and ran over to me. I knelt down and hugged them probably the longest and tightest I ever have before. "God I missed you both so much" I said kissing both of their foreheads. "We missed you too" they both said with huge smiles on their faces. I got up and turned to Y/N, "and I missed you as well" I said as I brought her face closer to mine and kissed her. "I missed you to" she told me smiling. "Ewwww" both Nataly and Héctor Jr both said and I just laughed. "Well do you guys mind if I join you in playing (your choice of which bored game)" I asked them. "Wait so your staying" Y/N asked me. "Yes and I promise you I am never ever leaving for that long again" I told her and quickly kissed her then walked over to the couch and started to play (your choice of bored game) with Y/N and the kids.

After about seven games of (your choice of which bored game) it was around 9:30 p.m and it was the kids bed time. "Well guys it's time for bed guys" Y/N told Nataly and Héctor. "Awww can we stay up for five more minutes" they said giving Y/N puppy dog eyes. "Now guys listen to your mother. Besides you have school tomorrow" I told them. "Mmmm fine" Nataly complained and they both got up and walked upstairs. Once they were both ready me and Y/N said goodnight to them and went to our room. Once we made it to the door of our room I stopped for a minute and Y/N looked at me confused, "hey what's wrong" she asked stepping in front of me. "I'm so sorry" I said looking at her. "For what" she questioned. "For not coming back when I said I would and for not calling. I'm just sorry for everything" I told her with tears in my eyes. "Hey hey look at me" she said cupping my face. "I forgive you ok. All that matters is that your here now" she said then kissed me. I just nodded then opened the door and walked over to the dresser. I was so happy that I had left some of my clothes here because honestly I just wanted to go to sleep with my wife in my arms. I threw on a pair of my sweat pants and put on a white tang top then got into bed.

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