The Flight

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"Are you sure you have everything?" Lance nervously asked her friend Cat

"Yup! I have my passport, visa, credit card, ID, and my mind in place. What's wrong with you?" 

"I'm just nervous that's all. I haven't been on a plane before. It just freaks me out! What if the plane crashed? Or maybe, our flight got delayed and we could never get there?" Lance has a lot of different scenarios playing on her mind. Most of them have tragic endings

"Shush! Stop with the over excitement. We've been dying to go to Bondi and it seems like your having travel jitters. I mean, stop overthinking. We'll get there. Plus, just think of all the things we have to go thru just so we can have this trip. So, stop freaking out."

"Okay! Wait, are you going to visit your friend there?" Lance took a deep breath and pause for a while. 

"Friend? Who?" confused Cath answered. 

" Your DatinginAsia boyfriend. The guy who needs to learn how to comb his hair, take a bath, brush his teeth and choose a shirt that is enough for you not to see thru him" 

Yeah. Lance is known for being sarcastic.

"That's mean. Well, he's not aware. Plus, I don't think he needs to know anyway."

"Flight attendants/Cabin Crew, please prepare for gate departure." "Flight attendants/Cabin Crew, doors on automatic, cross-check and report. Thank you."

"Ow shoot" Lance closed her eyes nervously.

"Here we are, Bondi! Cath made that little squeak of excitement. And made that happy smile and nudge Lance.

"Stop being a freak!" 

So, the eight-hour plus flight to Sydney begins...

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