The first Sunset

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2:30 PM Bondi

After their long flight Lance and Cat arrived at the Sydney Airport. Had their first bus ride to Bondi and in front of their BnB house, where they'll be staying for a month.

"How's the flight?" Sally asked. He's their bnb host.
"Tons of turbulence, we honestly thought that we will not make it here. I've got a difficult time pacifying a scaredy flyer" Cat mentioned Lance's panic attacks whenever the plane will experience a bit of turbulence. Ready to grab her bag to jump out of the window in case the pilot announces emergency landing, or worst, crash landing.
"Good thing you guys made it in one piece." Eric smiled.

She took out the keys and handed one to each of them.

"I don't implement curfew, but try to get home at 10:00 PM the latest since you're both not local. Unfortunately there are bad kids around who might try to snatch things away or try to bully you two. So be careful"

"Thanks" Lance answered.
"Anyways let me know if you're hungry. I'll have food delivered. It's on me."
"Oh no. It's alright. Thanks! " Lance politely refused.
"It's okay. I do it for the every guest that comes in. Plus brownie points you know. And here's a coupon for Woolies. Use this when you guys shop." She handed them a printed coupon.
"Thank you."
"Enjoy your stay girls. Just ring me if you need anything else. I'll be few blocks away.
"Thanks again."

After unpacking, Lance made a quick shower and ready to go out.

"C'mon Cat, I'm dying to see the beach" Lance quicky grab her bag.
"Owkay!Let me grab my camera." Both girls went out excitedly, even giggling.
"I can't believe we're here!! " both of them laughed, realizing they said the same thing at the sime time.

They are still dumbfounded realizing that they finally get to stay at Bondi. It's so beautiful and they can't contain their happiness and eexcitement whenever they get to see the amazing sky the place has to offer. The waves are big enough for them to hear it crashing to the shore. There are a handful of pigeons flying around whenever a wave gets to the shore. This place is amazing.

They did try to look for the lifeguards to see if they could get a photo with them.

Unfortunately it seems like they are all staying at the tower and only got to see Glick a bit from a far and they're too shy to approach him.

They decided to roam the beach and time passes by ao quickly. The sun is about to set. Which is best thing so far.

They silently observe how th sky changes it's color and slowly getting darker.

"You know. I feel like crying." Lance can't help but get emotional looking at the sea.
"Isn't that over reacting?" Cat teases, but can't help to feel the same way.

It's good to know that after more than two years in pandemic, they get to taste the outside world again. They've plan this trip vigourously. Saved every penny, planned every detail. Hoping that the pandemic ends soon and that they can start to travel again. It's worth the wait.

They continue to silently appreciate the view and taking it all in.

"When did you say you have to go back to work"? Cat suddenly asked.
"Really? We just started our vacation and you're already spoiling it talk8ng about going back to work." Lance rolled her eyes.
"Just kidding. Just wanted to make sure that we have all the time to get to do this." Cat smiled tapping her friend's shoulder.

They just continue to watch the beautiful sunset right in front of them. They both enjoy watching the awesome combination of orange and red sky.

"It's really pretty." Cat said
"Yeah it is. It's really pretty. Anyway, what's your favorite, sunrise or sunset?" Lance asked
"Sun---" Cat was about to answer when someone interupts.

"I love both" a man wearing a blue uniform that says NSW beach inspector suddenly stood beside Lance and smiled.

Lance can't help but be taken aback.

"How about you" the guy asked.
"Huh?" Owkay this is nice. She's distracted by his eyes.
"Yeah.I love sunset." She tried to brush off the nervous feeling and tried to smile.

The freaking human smiled back at her and it doesn't help. She's distracted to the nth level.

She was about to inspect him when someone tried to get the man's attention.

"Hey mate! Backpacker's there are two guys trying to pull each other under!"

And in a blink of an eye, the uniform is on the sand and she get to see the man's body covered in tattoo as soon as he starts to run towards the backpackers. She absent mindedly pick up shirt.

"OwEmGee!!" Don't tell me you don't know him! Did you forget? Cat is on fangirl mode.

"Shet!" That can't be right. That's just weird. Lance is confused. She's still holding his shirt.

"Yes friend!!" Cat squeeled.

She forgot to mention. One of the main reasons that they planned this vacation is because they wanted to see the infamous Bondi lifeguards. They got too addicted to Bondi Rescue. They spent every weekend doing zoom meetings to watch the show. From the first season to the latest. Thirty percent of the reason they want to go to Australia is because of the beach but seventy percent is because of the boys in blue. And she just got up-close and personal with one.

"In case you're too distracted to recognize him. That's Jake." Cat tapped her shoulder to snap her out smiling to her from ear to ear.

They started to walk away since it's getting dark. They are close to their BnB when she realized something. She's still holding his shirt.

"Lance, are you alright? What should you do with the shirt?" Cat nudge her friend that is obviously zoning out.

"I don't know." Lance answered and  smiled like a fool.

"My friend, you just found a reason to go back to the beach tomorrow and head straight to the tower." Cat laughed nervously. She's excited again.

"Should we?" Lance replied smiling.

One thing's for sure, they need to control their excitement over small things.


"Jethro, mate, have you seen my uniform?" Jake has been looking for his unform and can't figure out where he left it.
"Nope. Want some beer tonight?"
"Sure. Give me five minutes." He tried to look for it but failed. He just need to report it and ask for replacement.

"Where the f$ck did it go?"


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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2021 ⏰

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