Chapter 51.

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-A plan to freedom-

Louis laid on the couch of the living room with a blanket folded around him. He was so exhausted by everything, and he was still shaking a little, even though the incident happened already an hour before. He wasn't sleeping, he just laid with his head on the pillow, his eyes half open as he looked at Harry in front of him. He knew he was upset, but he noticed Harry wasn't a person to talk about it. He was just quiet as he hadn't said a word to Louis since it all happened. 

He just made sure Louis laid down on the couch as he had folded a blanket over him. He made also sure he got something to drink, but apart from that, he hadn't even looked him in the eyes yet, and that made Louis worried and frustrated: he just wanted Harry to tell him what bothered him exactly. As Harry sat on his knees in front of him, his eyes fell on a red spot, just where Louis' hips were under the blankets, which was clear on the white blanket. He frowned softly, and without saying something, he reached out his hand for Louis to lay his hand in. In confusion, Louis looked at Harry, but he just didn't look at him.

So Louis silently put his hand in his, only for Harry to flip his hand over, seeing the already dried blood on his wrist around his cut. Apparently the wound had reopened because of David's grip. Harry gently laid down his wrist on the soft blankets again and left the room, as Louis just watched him until he was out of sight.

He really started to get frustrated by Harry's behaviour, he just wanted to talk to him, but he got so closed. Even though they sat only a meter apart, it felt like they were miles apart on communication level. Louis knew he shouldn't judge him, because he wasn't an open book as well, but usually Harry wasn't like that. When Harry came back into the living room again and dropped onto his knees across from Louis, he grabbed his wrist again to clean with the tissues he had grabbed.

However, Louis jerked his wrist back. "Talk to me," he said clearly. Harry however swallowed, and reached out for his wrist again. But Louis held it to his chest. "What's wrong?"

Finally, Harry looked into Louis' blue eyes as his lips parted to speak. "You're really asking me what's wrong?" He shook his head in disbelief.

"Talk to me then!" Louis called out in frustration, leaning on his elbow then, so he looked at Harry from a straighter position.

"What is there to talk about!" He yelled back in the same frustrated tone, "we all saw how you're being treated and just because you left your stupid signature you have to go back there in two days!"

Louis gasped at that, looking at him in disbelief, "don't tell me you're saying it's my fault."

"That's exactly what I'm saying," Harry said with anger in his eyes, "who gives their signature after knowing someone for 5 minutes!" He threw the tissues to the ground, having his gaze on Louis, who rolled his eyes and huffed.

"They were my parents Harry!" He reasoned.

"Yeah, we saw how that turned out," he murmured, "I told you not to go, and yet, you didn't listen to me."

Louis huffed in a chuckle of disagreement, shaking his head as he did so. "That had different reasons, we both know that."

"Yes it did, and so what? You just left me, Juliet, Rose, Scarlett and Dan for two strangers. You ignored me for a month, then just told me you were leaving, then came back and we had an incredible night together, and I know you liked it too, and after, you shut me out again." He ran his hand through his hair in frustration, his eyebrows lowering as he looked at Louis.

He sighed, shaking his head. "Of course you wouldn't understand," he murmured to himself, "because you have no idea what it feels like to search your entire life for answers and for your parents."

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