Chapter One: Team Family

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I knelt before no one I told myself as I stood before the King of death I myself his undoer. He grinned looking down at me from his bone made thrown. A grin full of venom and spite. I refused to kneel and he knew it, despised it. I held my head high keeping perfect eye contact with the his majesty his golden eyes flashing with murderous intent. He flicked back his onyx hair darker then the shadows with his blood stained hands. I bowed my head to him for a second.
"Welcome back Lady Ceres I'm glad to see you and your apprentices have made it home safely" The King lied each word laced with poison.
I didn't dare to look at my group behind me. The five knights, no warriors that awaited my orders.
"Thank you, your majesty" I acknowledged his power but I do not respect it. I never will respect a man like him.
"Now for your report lady Ceres" he frowned tapping his muscular fingers on the arm rests of his throne. The noise made my jaw clench. Every part of this male was a weapon born and bred from hell itself every rumour was true about this man.
"We managed to wipe out the enemies arm entirely. There were some casualties due to our late send off. Some homes and farms were destroyed however, Ive already sent labourers from the capital to help rebuild. The rebuilding process should be complete in the next two months. My team and I suffer no major casualties" I explained to the head of the kingdom. He gave a single nod resulting im his dark hair falling over his face shadowing his eyes. A sight most were intimated by but not me not us.
"Very well you and your team may leave" he ordered after a moment of silence. I gave a nod before twisting on my heels and striding off my team in toe behind me. The obsidian cloak I wore  whispered on the wind as we strode from the throne room. We stayed in an uneven silence as we strode to my quarters. I opened the marble door without hesitation. The other five followed me in. My quarters were the size of an average villagers home. My team took their seats at the circular marble table which sat in the centre of the room. I myself chose to stand to take in the group of friends, no family that have been fighting by my side for years now. We were the only unit in the seven kingdoms that didn't wear metal armour or golden plates but sacred cloths that were either created by the gods or forged in the pits of hell. Just as usual a collection of food waited on the table to be eaten. My family didn't wait to pull their hoods from their heads before digging into the warm pastries sides with foireigne salads. A couple of bottles of ages wine sat in the very middle of the table. It took Austur no time to open them and pour everyone's drinks.

"Cheers to the greatest knight ever to exist" Austur cheered flicking back his dark chestnut hair back.
"You better not be talking about yourself" Celest scowled her hip length hair swaying in the decaying breeze. The colour of her hair always reminded me of the moon or more of the potential silver the moon could be if it didn't glow that is. Austurs molten gold eyes gleamed with delight.
"Would it surprise you?" He winked to the young witch whose frown only grew before rolling her eyes. She didn't join the toast with wine in her crystal goblet but water. From the day I found her Celest refused to drink any alcoholic beverage which led to Austur trying to trick her into a couple of times.
"Yes since your so weak" she smirked circling the rim of her goblet with a thin pale finger her black nails contrasted against her skin tone.
"Oh really? " he grinned drinking from his wine. Celest gave no response.
"What do you think Callius, Neptune am I weak?" He questioned the other two who sat the table.

I turned to the usually silent knights. Callius a jet black haired male with pale ice blue eyes sat dressed in his comman onyx attire. A shirt, a pair of tight pants and a long black cloak with short sleeves and hood. He remained silent showing no interest in the conversation as he began eating more salad. I then looked to Neptune. She was dark skinned with snow white hair down to her chin and an onyx hair band .

She also wore her usual attire. A white dress with elbow length sleeves and the skirt ran to the middle of her thighs both sides of the skirt have slits up to her hips helping her to move. The dress itself also has an open back with a second piece that rests on her shoulders covering the front and back of her neck. With her dress Neptune also often wore long onyx braces on her forearms and under the sleeves of the dress. Under the braces she wore thin white gloves she also wears a pair of pale white boots that reach the ends of her dress the unique thing about the heeled boots is that at the top of them they had a see through band that helped to hold them up. Neptune was the most loyal to me out of everyone and barely knew how to relax.

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