Chapter Six: Boiweth

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I looked back at Celest who seemed to have similar thoughts as my own.
I know in order to save me she wiped out an entire culture despite them being seen as bandits. She also helped me to replace my adopted fathers memories so he wouldn't come after her. I mean I guess he wanted me even if it was for a drinking buddy. I can't imagine what she's done for the others. I mean I remember how much of a troublesome person I was. I had no respect and the amount of times I selfishly caused her to get a beating because my mistakes but even if she was covered in blood and wounds she never cried and she always smiled. She never held any of it against me ever and other then a few things I didn't know anything about her, what made her like this and I doubt I ever will.
"Yeah someone should go check on her" I admitted picturing her face in my mind. Celest rose a brow at my comment.
"I mean the last three days have been rough for us , but for her I couldn't imagine"
Celest gasped.
"So you are capable of caring about others" she teased.
I strode past her and flicked her nose. Her face went red. It was cute. Wow Celest cute never thought i would think that.
"Only when it suits me" I bragged as I stalked out the bloody pub leaving the two girls by themselves. I needed a little fun. I tore at my clothes which I had many versions off and wrapped the rags around my knuckles. Callius may be her spy but me I'm her protector.

I took a breath in.
"Oi  dickhead " I called into the sky.
The people passing me shot rude looks at me and I rubbed the back of neck.
"Sorry not you" I smiled
The sounds of his wings played on the wind as he soared through the city. He didn't stop and I reached out for his reins climbing onto his back as he raced through the air. He growled a warning as we flew.
"I know ill feed you when we get there" I laughed. I squeezed his reins tightly as the wind rippled of his dark grey scales his purple eyes glowing with spite. He dove  and began flying in spirals. I leaned close against him holding on for dear life.
"If you think that's going to work" I chuckled patting the side of his neck. He flew faster but nothing compared to other dragons and a snail compared to Chyra. I don't how Ceres can do but that dragon can fly faster then light and Ceres can hold on with ease. We flew just above the vast ocean. Lurker dove close the sea so close i could touch the water if I bothered to reach. But I had other things like steam I had to blow off. Randomly Lurker launched upwards in spirals. I grabbed onto his scales as my legs left the saddle and my grip on him was the only thing stopping me from falling and I knew Lurker wouldn't bother to catch me its why he brought me to the ocean because he needs to blow of steam too. On cue a blast of purple fire exploded from his mouth in front of us and he flew in it. It tingled on my skin. I pulled myself to he reins and forced Lurker to fly straight. He didn't enjoy it but he did it.

Soon we were over familiar mountain scapes and a large stone city peered out from the usually snow covered mountains. I had Lurker drop me off on the outskirts of the city before strolling in. I didn't need directions I was raised here for as long as I can remember after all. I didn't bother to visit my fathers home he wouldn't know who I was and I didn't have a mother or any other family. I stalked straight for the stone stair case which led to the cities underground. In most places a spot like this is illegal but here in a civilisation of mostly men it was needed. I could here the yells of betters before the flames came into light. Here everything goes down. The area was crowded as many high classed dwarves handed gold and other metals around. I ignored all of them and aimed straight for the arena. I didn't wait for an invitation when I lept into its pits. I stood my back to my opponent. The dwarves cheered. I turned to face the man I would destroy.
He wore a mask like an idiot and his hair was brown and braided like everyone else's. He was a normal sized human however not a dwarf. He's probably doing the same thing I did when I lived here. Using his natural strengths to pummel powerless dwarves to gain a little cash.
I cracked my knuckles and the brawling began. No magic, no weapons were the only rules. I allowed the male to land a single hit on me before breaking his arm, his nose and dislocating his knee. Just like any dwarf he refused to fall so I broke his second knee. He couldn't stand but insisted on punching me until my knee connected with his jaw. A complete knock out. Most the fights turned out the same. They land a hit I break their bones they refuse to loose I knock them out. That was until on exciting brawler stepped into the arena. I bursted out laughing. He stood silent in only black pants. His hair messy and his ice blue eyes steamy. Scars littered his toned torso as he readied himself. Instead of traditional wraps Callius wore fingerless gloves. He also had blood stains on his snow white skin.
"Come to brawl have we sharpie " I teased he stayed silent. I raised my brow as my lips pressed into a thing line.
I readied myself.

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