Chapter 8

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(When we picked code-names)

'We should think of code-names.' Raven started. We were all sitting in the little space they had made for us.

'We're government agents now we should have sercret code-names. I want to be called Mystique.' Raven said, proud of her name.

'Damn I wanted to be called Mystique.' Sean joked

'Well, though, I called it.' Raven said before shifting into Sean, who jumped in surpirse. 'And I'm way more mysterious than you.' She said, still in Sean's form.

'Whoa.' I said, being impressed.

We all clapped as Raven turned back to herself.

'Darwin, what about you?' She asked.

'Well,' he started 'uh- Darwin's already a nickname and you know, sorta fits. Adapt to survive and all. Check this out.' He said as he stood up and walked to a fish tank. He dunked his head under the water and gils began to form.

'Wo!' Sean yelled.

We all laughed as Darwin took a few breaths underwater.

'Thank you, thank you.' Darwin said before we all clapped for him. 'What about you?' He said while he pointed to Sean.

'I'm going to be...' Sean said while he thought of a name. 'Banshee.'

'Why do you want to be named after a whaling spirit?' Hank curiously asked.
'You might want to conver your ears.' Sean said as he stood up and stood at the same level of the table.

Curious of what was going to happen, we all covered our ears. Sean inhaled deeply, looking around, checking if everyone was looking, he then let all the air out in a whistle and it broke the glass.

He must of have some sort of sound wave manipulation. He slowly stood up, being a little shocked as we all laughed and clapped. 'Your turn.' He said to Angel

'My uh- stage name is Angel.' She said while she took of her jacket. Sean whistled at the mention of Stage.

'Kind if fits.'  She said as her wings started to form on her back.

'You can fly?' I asked in amazement.

'Uhuh.' She answered 'and uh-' she said as she walked to the glass and spat. Acid spit to be exact. A flaming ball of spit hit the statue right in the head. We all laughed at it.

'What's your name?' Angel asked Hank.
'How about big foot?' Alex joked.

I slightly pushed him.

''You know what they say about guys with big feet.' Raven started 'and uh- yours are kind of small.'

We all laughed. She got him pretty good.

'Alex, what is your gift, what can you do?' Darwin asked.

'Uh it's not uh- I just can't do it.' He stuttered. 'I can't do it in here.'
'Can you do it out there?' Darwin asked, meaning the kind of garden.

'Come on.' We all pushed.
'Yeah, come on.' I repeated.

'Alex, Alex.' Darwin repeated. We so only all repeated him. 'Alex, Alex, Alex...' we did it until he finally stood up, we all cheered.

'Get down when I tell ya.' He said as he climbed out of the room and stood far away, we all looked from inside the room, peeking to see any glimps of it happening.

'Get back.' Alex warned, but we still sat there, watching. 'Get back!' He repeated but we still didn't do it, we were very curious of what might happen. 'Whatever' he said before he fired like hula hoops through the garden, once hitting the statue, who lit on fire and was sliched in half.

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