The Captain With The Green Eyes Chapter 2 Part 2

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TESUDAY bit into a sliced scone piled with butter and jam, poured herself another cup of tea, and turned her attention to the laptop before her. She carefully read through the emails that The Nanny agency had sent her. For some days now she had been going through a list of families who could be possible matches for her.

She looked up for a moment and thought about Captain Clark Bond, and what an interesting reunion at the Gala Dinner the night before. Captain Bond had joined the Royal Air Force when he was twenty and became a pilot officer two years later. He left the Royal Air Force after twelve years and was soon appointed as air attaché to the British Embassy in Paris.

Tuesday was surprised she had not recognized him initially when he walked up to her at the Gala Dinner. Now thinking about it. Did she like him a little? Maybe? Would they meet again? She did not know that as yet even though she would like it if they did.

As she ate another slice of scone piled with butter and jam, she wondered why she had become a professional nanny. Maybe it was because she was an only child or maybe because her first job as teenager was babysitting for her neighbours with babies and toddlers. Whatever the reasons be it now she loved doing it.

For six years as a career nanny to affluent families in London had led to all sorts of professional and familial relationships. Sipping her tea as she thought about the perks that came with it. First class travel, fine dining five star restaurants, VIP invitations to art exhibitions, music concerts and the like. Not mention all those fabulous holidays and living in London most fashionable addresses. Then there were the connections she developed in the worlds of business finance, art and education, that was how she was sent an invite to Winfield House.

Tuesday finished the rest of her tea and closed her laptop.

Because it was a beautiful day Tuesday was determined not spend it inside her small ground floor flat. She threw on a pink coat, wrapped a chinchilla stole around her neck, reached for her tiger print clutch purse and then head off to Kew Gardens.

When she arrived at the botanical garden, Tuesday decided to go onto the Treetop Walkway first before going to the Orangery.

It was when she descending the walkway by lift that she encountered Captain Clark Bond accompanied by a small boy no more than eight or nine years old. Quickly Tuesday pretended not have seen them, and she was contemplating which way to go before Captain Bond who had also seen her came over.

"Ms. Goulding, a pleasant surprise." Bond said.

Tuesday smiled like she was surprise to have suddenly seen them. "Good afternoon, Captain Bond."

"This is my nephew Theodore; Theo this is Ms. Goulding."

Tuesday shook hands with Theodore.

"Are by yourself?" Bond asked.

"Yes, I am."

"Would it be too presumptuous to ask you to join us?"

"I would love to." Tuesday smiled up at the Captain.

"Where would want us to go?" The Captain asked his nephew.

"To the Orangery!"

"The Orangery?" His Uncle repeated.

"Yes the Orangery." Theodore said.

"You know it used for as a restaurant now."


"I think he wants to eat." Tuesday added with a smile.

"To the Orangery then." The Captain announced.

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