Chapter 5

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They were standing there, Lou and Joe next to Steve, Chin and Kono next to Danny, Grace was coming towards them,she was wearing a beautiful navy blue dress with a silver grey belt,silver grey ballet shoes and a navy blue ribbon on her hair.Her hair were let down and she had a huge huge anile on her face.She was bringing the leis made of yellow hibiscus, the Hawaii state flower and blue violet, the New Jersey state flower.She hands one to Steve and one to Danny who gave theirs to each other.

Denning-We are here today to witness the inevitable,the marriage of Commander Steve McGarrett and Detective Danny Williams.We all knew from the moment we saw the two of them together that they were meant for each other,even if they were the last two to figure it out.These two are the perfect example that nothing is impossible and that it doesn't matter how different two people are,if they are meant to be together,nothing can get in the middle.We know that their arguments are nothing more than a way for them to express their love and that there are not better people to protect the islands than these two.Now to not keep you more,I see these two are ready to kiss eachother even tho they know they have to wait,may you tell your vows,Captain Grover,the rings please

Grover-Here they are

He gives the rings to Steve and Danny

Denning-Steve you can say your vows


He was sliding a ring to Danny's finger and he was talking

Steve-Well Danno,I am not very good with words,you know that but I try my best here.From the moment I saw you,you changed my life for the better.You gave me a family and you were there for me in every difficult moment like no one else was.I know that I am a reckless idiot sometimes but I try hard every day to be a better person because of you,you and Grace are my life and I cannot think my life without you two in it.I wasn't gonna stay in Hawaii after I solved my father's murder and I had turned down the offer for the task force by the Governor the morning before I met you.When I saw you,I knew that I wanted you in my life and I took the offer for the task force,because of you.I love you Danno and nothing can change that,always and forever.

Danny looked at Steve and smiled,his smile was the biggest smile in the whole world.He was so happy and he barely could keep back to avoid kiss Steve.

Denning-Danny you can begin

Danny slided the ring to Steve's finger as he was talking

Danny-Steven,you are the reason I can smile again.Apart from Grace,I didn't have another reason to smile.When I came to this pineapple infested hellhole,I was miserable and l never thought I would be happy again.I hated this place so much,I couldn't even find a decent slice of pizza.Then you came in my life,you forced yourself in like you always do when we chase someone,usually without backup and you gave my life a meaning,a reason to live again.There is no place in the world I wouldn't come to save your sorry ass from the trouble you put yourself in,again.I love you so much,you know I don't say it easily enough and if I don't mean it.You are the best thing that happened in my life apart Grace and even if I yell at you,I do it because I love you and because I worry about you.Nothing will change that,always and forever.

Steve barely kept the tears back.Danny could always brake the thick walls he was building to keep his emotions at ease.

Denning-Now,do you,Commander Steven J.McGarrett take Detective Daniel Williams to be your lawful husband in sickness and health,till death does you apart?

Steve-I do

Denning-And you,Detective Daniel Williams,do you take Commander Steven J.McGarrett to be your lawful husband in sickness and health,till death does you apart?

Danny-I do

Denning-Now,if anyone is against this wedding may speak now or stay in silence for ever.

They take a second to look at the crowd and then they look at each other

Denning-Now you may...

He didn't managed to finish the sentence when a black helicopter came from above and five men dressed in black come down.

Steve-Take the Governor and the people inside

Duktakes everyone inside while Steve leans down,takes a gun from the holster in his right ankle,he hands it to Danny and then he gets the one he had in his left for himself.Danny looks at Steve with a I cannot believe you did that face

Danny-You were packing in our wedding?

Steve-Always be prepared

Danny-This is our wedding Steven

Steve-I know,now let's send those idiots back to where the hell they came from so we can finish it

Danny-Okay but don't get shot

Steve-I won't

Everyone gets cover and they start shoot the perps.They kill three and Steve attacks one with his knife since he run out of ammo.He takes his gun off of him and the fight keeps going with knives.The perp stabs him over the hip,right were Victor Hesse had stabbed him in prison and Steve tigths his grip and stabs him in the heart.He twists the knife and the perp falls down dead.This was the last one.Danny runs over at Steve who was putting presure on his wound.

Danny-I thought I told you to not get injured

Steve you told me to not get shot,I didn't,I got stabbed

Danny-I can't believe you

The helicopter tries to come back,it was over the sea when Joe gets out a rocket launcher and shoots it,Steve was probably keeping it in the garage,the helicopter falls inside the sea,causing a big wave to rise in the water.Steve and Danny was kissing infront of it while everyone was clapping in the background.They were happy,finally.

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