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"It moved like two times" sapnap nearly shouts

"Okay calm down" George admit
"We need to tell him Dream" George talking and the blob nods

"What?" Sapnap was shocked "who's Dream?"

"Sapnap meet Dream" George point at the blob "I've got him last last night on the road, you know that I love stuff toys so I get him"

"D-Did you know he could move?" Sapnap asking

"Yeah I've seen him move in my table yesterday" George add and Dream was near George rolling and enjoying George's hand

Sapnap wants to touch the blob the get a slap from George

"Oops sorry" George embarassed said

"What's wrong with you? I'm not taking him bro" sapnap acting and pouting

After they did have lunch, sapnap hugged George and walking away. George sees Dream was staring so bad at sapnap

"What's wrong buddy?" George cooed

Dream was just turning back and ignoring George

"Look his just my friend okay?" George explained and suddenly Dream pur at him "aww so cute dreamy" George adds

The day ends and George was tired and exhausted. He didn't eat dinner and just lay in the bed peacefully.

Dream's POV

The day that George got me from the road, I can feel that he will love to see me move, as a toy. He's getting attached to me but I can't tell him. I can do just nod and roll jump only. (Refering to his past lovers mom) If not only his evil mother curse me, I'm a person right now. But if his mother didn't curse me I'm not here with George. I'm actually died if I'm a person. I'm just wondering how to break the spell. He looks like my Georgie in the past. I wonder if he was the same George in his past life. But how silly, there is literally bunch of people in the world. Who knows?

George's POV

Another day came. As the sun shines to George's face he got up and same as yesterday, he did find again Dream in his chest. He got his morning routine and half naked again walking across the room. He didn't bother Dream sleeping. But as soon as he got in the bathroom, he did see Dream in front of him.

"Oh my goodness Dream" George got scared

The blob just giggles

"What's up your awake now" George lifting Dream up

Suddenly Dream jump on George's chest and just pur like a cat.

"Dream were going late if I do not get dressed right now" George remind

Dream jump off then jumping away.

"Don't be mad buddy" George cooed "were gonna cuddle later okay?" George offers and Dream turned and jumping of his happiness.

Work of George came and sapnap greated him, Dream glaring angrily at sapnap.

"What's wrong with your baby?" Sapnap mockingly ask

"He's mad at you, cuz your ugly" George laughing

"Ouch" sapnap acting hurt "by the way see ya later" sapnap walk away

"Why are you mad at him?" George asks

Dream's POV

'If I can tell you how that sapnap cling to you I would punch him' Dream just sighs as George asking him

"Let's just go to my spot" George talks to me

I don't know if George was just talking to me cuz he see me as a talking blob or just wants to talk to me to relieved his stress.

My mind has been filled by the images of George I saw every now and then. When I saw him half naked I would actually kiss him IF I'm a person. I don't know that feels but I kinda like him now. I can't take him out of my mind.

George's POV

The day ends and Dream was sleeping all day. I was thinking how would Dream move and if he's a person. How would he look like? And how did he ended up like that.

When we arrived at my place I did hug him even his small.

"Dream?" George calls

Dream was just staring at him

"Can I ask you?" George ask politely

638 words

Thank you for reading!
Have a good day

Just a blob // DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now