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"I did sell my self" Dream shakingly talking

"Pfft..your a bad liar Dream" George just laugh "you should said some other words"

"Okay I got hired in the coffee shop near here" Dream admits and rolled his eyes "so your not mad?"

"I'm still mad, why didn't you said today were you going to find a job I did leave my work to help you" George sigh

"No need, I think my looks help me" Dream looks at the mirror "oh, my looks didn't change"

Dream told George everything happened to him today while they eat. And Dream got curious at George's status

"George do you have someone to love right now? I didn't see you with anyone since then"

"Nah I don't" George eating didn't thinking he was mad at Dream earlier

The night passed and the day came. They did wake up early.

"I will shower first I'm getting late" George telling Dream

"Come on we could be there at the same time" Dream intimidates George

"You're such a pervert" George scoff walking to the bathroom

Dream waiting he checked the door, it was not locked, George usually shower locking the door.

'Does it means he gives me permission?' Dream thought to himself 'no I'm just joking around'

He did see George walking half naked everyday to grab his clothes, and just stare at him. George didn't get any more intimidate. He feels just normal around Dream.

George did walk with Dream to the coffee shop, and George mumbled a name.

"Darryl?" George mumble and staring at the owner of the shop

"George!" Bad waved and hugs him "haven't seen you in a while muffin"

"Is that you Bad?" George hugs back

"Yes its me" Bad chuckles "oh your here Dream"

"Do you know Dream?" George asks

"Do you know each other?" Dream asks confusely

"Yes! He's my highschool friend" Bad cheered

Dream was shocked

"So what are you doing here George?" Bad calls

"I just want to drop Dream in his new job, here" George looking around

"So what's with you and Dream?" Bad asks

"H-He's my-" George didn't know what to answer

"Roommate!" Dream exclaimed

"Ohh nice" Bad sipping a coffee

"Its my first day right? I need to learn, now George go to your work now" Dream ordered to George

George obeyyed and just waved

Dream's POV

'I meet a new people whose going to teach me to the whole thing and new friends I guess' I thought to my mind

"This is Karl" Bad mentioned

"Hi" Karl answers cheerfully

"This is tommy and tubbo" he introduces more people

"And puffy, Wilbur and techno"
All of them waved at me

"Eyy big man" the tommy kid calls

"Sup" Wilbur waving

And techno winks.

They did do treat me nice here, they teach me how to use the machine, the other station being prepared and the rules. Puffy guides me all around. She was nice at me, they all.

After a long day I did go home.
I saw George's house had no lights. I rushed to the door and saw George still wearing his atire from his work laying on the floor.

I touch him in his forehead and he was very hot. I did call sapnap and he arrived. He treat George a simple measuring his temperature and wiping him a towel.

"I think he fainted earlier, luckily you did arrived" sapnap reminds me

"Is he going to be okay?" I asked

"Were going to get him in hospital to be treated" sapnap seriously talking to me

We did bring him to emergency room and he got treated well there.

607 words

Have a nice day everyone
Thank you for reading!

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