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~Hidden Chamber

"IT'S TIME! OMI-GOD IT'S TIME!" a 12-year-old girl with brown hair w/ gold highlights, light brown skin, and blue eyes wearing a multi-blue dress, Black leggings and blue sneakers screeched happily.

"Yes, yes we know Larian" a 19 year old girl with black hair w/ midnight blue highlights, dark tan skin, and blood red eyes wearing a gothic style of clothing, black tennis-shoes and having a bow and canvas of arrows attached to her back said while rolling her eyes.

"Leave her alone Tarah" a 14-year-old girl with blackish purplish hair, pale skin and violet eyes wearing a dark purple jacket (same type as Keith's) over a black tank-top, black skinny jean, and Black cow-girl boots spoke in a calm voice.

"You're not my boss Phoenix" Tarah growled.

"I actually am Tar', you see my father put me in charge of this assignment.... you know what never mind lets' just start. Tarah, you and Larian will get them while I set it up."

~Past –1 Year Before-

A black and Blue portal appeared outside of a shack in the middle of no-where, Tarah and Larian stepped out of it and onto the warm sand.

Tarah looked at her watch "we have 5 minutes until we have to get to the next stop."

"How do we get all of them in 5 minutes or less?" The 12-year-old questioned as she followed the older girl until they reached a giant/long white building.

"Pheonix said that we are when the families of the Paladins are at the Garrison with them, so all we need to do is get them, go to BoM, get BoM, go to Zarkons' ship get him, got to Lotors ship get him, go to the other time, get them and get back."

They entered the building and went to the register place (Don't know what it is called) and asked for the Holts, Koganes, and everyone else of the Paladins family.

"Why didn't Pheonix just do this herself?" Larian asked as they waited.

"Because if she did she would have been too exhausted to show them and she is the only one who can" Tarah explained.

The rest of the time they waited in silence until the families arrived.

"These two girls said they had business with you" the registerer(?) explained to the confused families.

Mister Holt walked over to the two girls and smiled tightly, "I am Samuel Holt and who might two you be?"

Before Tarah could say anything Larian spoke up excitedly, "NICE TO MEET YOU MR. HOLT! I'M LARIAN AND THIS IS MY FRIEND TARAH!"

Lance smiled at the enthusiastic girl and knelt down in front of her, "so Larian, why are you two here?

The 12-year-old stiffened and looked at Tarah, when the 19-year-old gave her a slight nod she looked back at the 16-year-old boy with a nervous smile.

"Well.... a friend of ours wants to show you and some others your future, and we were asked to bring you."

The families looked at each other in confusion, Shiro shrugged, "I don't see how this would hurt."

"Kewl, lets' go!" Larian smiled happily and opened a blue portal and they all walked through it to find themselves in the Blades of Marmora base surrounded by Marmorans ready to fight.

~-Time Skip- Hidden Chamber

When the families, BoM, Zarkon, Lotor, their Commanders and the two future kids exited a black portal they saw enough chairs to seat everyone plus three more, a huge screen (movie theatre screen size), and Pheonix sitting in a dark purple chair typing on a laptop.

"Lord Zarkon sit on the dark grey chair with a purple Galran sign, Kolivan sit on the light purple chair with the BoM sign, Prince Lotor sit on the light grey chair with a black Galran sign, Lady Haggar red chair beside Zarkon, Acxa silver chair next to Lotor, other Galran Commanders and Blades in front of your leaders. (They got Allura and Coran after they got the BoM). Princess Allura on the white and light blue chair Coran gold chair next to hers. Shiro on the black and white chair, Katie green and white chair to the left of his, Holts dusty brown chair behind Katie and Shiro, Keith red and white chair to Shiro's right, Lance on the blue and white chair on the other side of Keith, McClain family behind Lance on the dusty grey chairs, Hunk on the other side of Katie in the yellow and white chair, The Garetts(?) behind him in the dusty gold chairs. Once you sit I will play the TV show that shows you the future" Pheonix ordered than explained.

Once everyone was settled Tarah sat down on the black and dark grey chair next to Pheonix and Larian sat in the baby blue and light blue chair on the other side of Pheonix. Once everyone was settled Pheonix hit play and the first episode (movie?) loaded. 

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