Sleep Time and Ready/Breakfast and Stereotyper

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"Alright everyone" Pheonyx called, "it is time to go to bed"

Whines came from all around until Tarah shouted for them to shut up (in worse words).

"We'll continue tomorrow but the youngsters are half asleep and I am not watching this without the ones I brought" Pheonyx said, "Future Shiro will show the Past Civilians to their rooms, Future Allura will show the Alteans to their rooms, Future Keith will take the Blades and Galra, Future Lance will take the past Paladins"


Fkeith glared at his boyfriend for yelling in his ears before sighing, "who will take the Halfbreeds?"

"Thanks for volunteering Keith" Tarah grinned.

"Fine" Keith huffed, "follow me"

The BOM, E-Galra and Halfbreeds followed the boy.


"So, Keith" Zarkon began, "you are not like the other Paladins"

FKeith tilted his head slightly back before frowning and shrugging.

"Well... you said that I fight like a Galra soldier" Keith said casually.

Krolia froze for a mere second before continuing walking.

Zarkon narrowed his eyes slightly before humming, Haggar began her spell.

"Here are your quarters, don't worry, their bigger on the inside and they are divided" FKeith said to the Evil Galra.

He showed the BOM their quarters that were down the hall, and the Halflings theirs which was across from the BOM's.


"Soooo... how much girls do I get?" Past Lance asked.

"I don't remember" FLance responded, PLance gasped.


"I was kind of busy saving the Galaxy"

"B-but" PLance sputtered.

"But nothing" FLance cut his younger self off.

They walked in silence after that until they got to the rooms.

"The rooms are divided for all of you to have privacy, if you need something press the white button by the door and someone will answer" FLance explained before leaving them to get settled.


FShiro showed the Civilians to their rooms and was about to leave when KK asked him a question.

"How does my son cope with having no parents?"

FShiro stopped and turned to face the concerned father.

"Keith was distant until the Galaxy Garrison, I took him under my wing, and he flourished. He saved me and became part of a large family." Shiro explained, "what I'm trying to say is that Keith coped the best he could and had help"

KK smiled and nodded.

The white-haired former Clone left.


"Lance said that you allowed a Galra to be a Paladin" PAllura confronted her future self.

FAllura glanced at her younger self before shrugging.

"It wasn't my choice, it was his Lions" Future Allura responded.

Past Allura glowered, "you could've at least got rid of him and look for a new Paladin"

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