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I feel the rush of my 10th shot pump through my veins as I jump to the wall moving of the bass in the song Melbourne sound swaying into and away from people. The song soon ends and I decide to get another red cup of the alcoholic substance that's been stored in a large keg. Brought by one of the 123 people raving, drunk, in my two story, large house. My parents are out for the weekend so my brother Ayden and I decided to throw an end of summer highschool party.

I skull the full cup under the pressure of a few peers. You could say I'm somewhat popular? You see I'm the schools bad ass even though I'm, 5 foot 4 and pretty slim. My brother has just started college though he is only 17 he is fucking insanely smart. I feel quite wobbly when I notice a maybe 6 foot 1 highschool senior looking at me with disgust. "do we have a problem!" I slurred over the loud music. "what are you doing" he demanded the anger, laced through his voice. "none of your business I mocked back at him. "come on Rayne" he sighed and grabbed a hold of my wrist. "what the fuck!" I shouted as I ripped my hand away from him. I then giggle at the thought, that he thought he could just take me aw- "hey! Put me down!" I plead hitting him as I was slung over his shoulder like a sack of potato's. As of giving up I sort of just hung out, until my stomach started churning. Put me down I think I'm gonna me sick. The mysterious boy quickly released me. As I headed for my garden, I stood there for a few minutes feeling as if I was going to hurl any moment, it never did until some idiot started rubbing my back.

Before I could tell them to stop my insides felt like they came out. After multiple rounds of throwing up I grew really dizzy and fell. I never felt my body impact with the ground though, and then my eyelids grew heavy and I passed the fuck out.


I gasp for air slightly sitting up in my bed, I slowly take sight in my eyes to realise this isn't my bed, nor is this my room. The tall white walls connect to a shiny tiled black floor with a beige coloured shaggy rug at the end of this leather bed my body is tangled in. I view to my side to see two aspirin tablets and a cup of golden apple juice, I throw one tablet at a time into my mouth as the cold liquid pours down my throat.

I lay, enjoying the memory foam bed for a few more minutes until I decide to figure out where I am. I stand up and stretch until I realise Ive been stripped to my underwear. Did I have sex last night. That's actually disappointing because despite the image I'm keeping up at school I'm actually a virgin. I see my clothes neatly piled on a petite single couch in the corner of the room. First I put on my black jeans, then my ripped tank top, my socks and boots and last my jacket. I don't bother with make up or hair as I don't give a shit about what people think.

I walk out to see a beautiful kitchen lounge room descending from me. I walk past the midnight purple leather couches and at least 60 inch TV, to the mirroring white quartz bench tops. And massive two door fridge. As I probably look like an awkward turtle adoring this house I hear a familiar, husky chuckle from the bedrooms direction. "do you need any help there?" the voice asks. In surprise I stumble the teabags box I was reading and it lands with an echo on the cold, tiled floors.

"uh... Um yes" I correct myself. "I have some questions" I state." who are you?" "Liam Payne, beta of the Silver Moon pack" he says in all seriousness. " um who of the what? " I ask very confused. I feel he catches on my not knowing and explains that he is a werewolf and so am I... I can't help but burst into laughter at this bad prank, but when I recover from the hilarious statement I turn to face him his stone cold face holds no humour. Is he actually being serious. "when you turn 16 you will be at age of finding your mate, which almost always happens at the annual celeste faunder ball in memory of celeste herself. At this ball there is a 89 percent chance you will find your mate, it is in approximately 7 days, 2 days after your sixteenth birthday, after you find your mate yous will have to fuck to complete the process of your shifting" he says all to casually, sipping at his tea.

Well short chapter just for an insight more to come, also I'm not sure how to set characters on phone so:
Harry Styles as Himself/alpha
Cara Delevigne as Rayne Passwell
And everyone else for yous to decide....

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