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my head jerks up a little and my eyes pop open, the adorable memories of Harry last night come flooding through my mind. i check my iPhone to see what time it is, and how long I've got until school. 8:13!! I mentally scream, realising I have 37 minutes until school starts. I shoot out of bed and race for the bathroom. first I put on a plain set of black leggings and a 'see you in Hell' studded T shirt and my usual leather jacket, along with my black combat boots and chain necklace. I apply a small amount of make up while constantly checking the time "Harry, babe we have to go!".

I finish my look with a high pony tail and just take the moment to admire my self. "hey, you" Harry's husky morning voice I heard from my left coming through the bathroom door. with a swift movement he snakes his arms around my waist from behind me and held his head on the crown of mine. "Babe we gotta go school starts inn-" I pause, checking the time on my iphone 6 "10 minutes" "Then hop out so I can have a shower, and help your self to the fridge" He insists, nudging me towards the door.

After grabbing a banana and yogurt from the fridge I sit down and turn on the tv. I see Harry walk out wearing everything minus his shirt. "sorry needed to get this" He reaches over collecting his phone "You always need music" he chuckles. possibly 5 minutes pass before I hear the familiar sound of the bathroom door creaking open. It's Harry again. In only his boxers. He grins, proudly of my reaction "sorry again just needed to get-" I interrupt by taking off my jacket, followed by my shirt. "two can play at this game" I grin seeing his eyes pop out of his skull, bright green racing through his eyes, clearly his wolf.

"I-I think that shower is a good idea" he shuffles away with flushed red cheeks. I chuckle, wiggling into my top. Harry enters the room about 5 minutes later, still pulling a plain black v-neck shirt over his tanned, toned body. "c'mon baby lets go" he requests, looking at his phone screen and obtaining his car keys.

We find a car park in the overcrowded high school car park, walking hand in hand toward a gruelling day of school. "Oi lovebirds" I hear a familiar chirp from behind us. Turning my head I see Louis and Zayn, accompanied by two very, gorgeous girls. "Lads" Harry nods his head. "hey Harry, Rayne" Zayn nods "this is Perrie" I look at the girl Zayn is with and she grins, showing her snow white teeth. "And this is shit hea- Ow!" Louis groans as his brunette companion elbows him in the ribs. " I mean Eleanor" he says raspily and light, in pain. "Well ladies you three have a great day, but we've got business to attend" Harry sighs before giving me a light, lingering kiss on my cheek. "After all Harry is the future Al-" Louis was once again interrupted, but this time by Harry coughing, is he hiding something from me? I question with a bad gut feeling


I play with the food we were served by the cafeteria ladies, thinking about what possibly Louis was talking about. "Where have you been?!" A familiar voice booms from behind me... Stella. "I haven't seen you in five days BEST FRIEND!" She finishes sarcastically. "With my boyfriend?" I answer, oh wait I haven't told her lol "Harry Styles?" Her face lights up immediately mentally screaming for the info. "You mean the Harry Styles?!... Most popular guy in school?!" Making me chuckle at her terrible effort of whisper screaming. "Trust me I don't know how it happened either" mumbling it, again playing with my food.

I finish (finally) all my food and as I get up to take the dirty tray to the tray drop off, my phone is bumped and goes flying into the cafeteria floor. "oh god no!" I gasp, reaching for my phone."someone's hand cut me off, grabbing my phone, handing it to me. He had beautiful chocolate brown eyes and an innocent looking smile, white might I add! And a neat mop of straight brunette hair. "hi I'm Dylan" He smirked, kinda giving me shivers "here" he raised his arm, interrupting my thoughts. "o-oh thank y-you" I stutter. your so stupid sometimes rayne! He lightly chuckled before making his way out of the cafeteria. I check my phone, no cracks, but there is one difference. Dylan's name in my contacts.


Exhaustedly I put my bugs (her car) keys on the bench, kicking my shoes off and raiding the pantry. "Rara is that you darling?" My mums petite voice calls for me through the house, using my nickname. "Yes mama" I call back. I begin to eat a packet of Oreos. "Baby I need to tell you some thing" she sniffles, walking out from behind the stairs. Her blue orbs, now a dusty grey and her eyes, all puffy and red. "Nana has cancer again, I'm going to see her tomorrow sweetie, my bags are packed and.." She stops almost in a trance "and what?" I panic. "They said she has three days maximum to live" She sobs harder and I race into her arms. "I will pack my bags now" I whisper into the crook of her neck. something changes suddenly "you can't come"... her words haunt me, causing me to break from her arms and slowly walk backwards. "No no no, you see she is my family too" I state shaking my head. " I will be back in a week you will be fine" she tries lightening the mood. Her hands push on my back "come on now let's get you to be-" I move away from her touch "I can fucking do it my self" my anger turning into sobs as I race up the stairs to my bed and fall asleep, in my own tears.


I wake up and check straight away if my mum is here. She isnt. she didn't even say good bye, I didn't get to tell nana I love her before.. A tear rolls down my cheek. I put on black mesh panel set of leggings and a 'BRING IT' baseball themed top with my traditional jacket and boots. I smear foundation on to my face and some nude colored lipstick. I brush my hair, leaving it in its naturally straight form as I grab my car keys and head to school.


Harry isn't in any of my classes but first up I have chemistry. we get about ten minutes into what ever he is talking about before quite the commotion heard from the hall way. suddenly the door bursts open, revealing a very pissed off Dylan. "You" he points to me "Come, now" he demands. "Atleast buy me dinner first" I chuckle making my way out the door. "Your Harry's little mate aren't you" he laughs evilly, pulling out a flip knife. "y-yes" I stutter out. The knife gets dangerously close to me when I hear Harry "Boys! Stop messing with my mate" He chuckles, leading Dylan bursting into laughter with his two little followers. "We're just messing with you chika" an attractive Latina pipes up. "Dude I wouldn't hurt you, your family" Dylan catches his breath, putting away the knife. The boys wander off as Harry leans over me on the wall "sorry about him, that's Dylan my cousin, he is only 15" oh... That age I think to myself.


The rest of the day goes by surprisingly quickly, Harry bought me a cupcake for first break and set some kids straight, I mean I feel bad for them but Harry said "it's his role to keep this 'school' inline" other know as the lower members of his fathers pack.I finish my geometry homework and begin my chemistry when my phone vibrates.
Hey princess x

Hey babe

You busy tomorrow night? X

He texts reminding me about my nana and what feels like my mum betrayed me.

No, wanna go watch a movie or something? x

Hazza: no I've got a plan, just dress sexy x I gtg goodnight babe xx

Me: good night x

I actually mentally thank Harry as I put my books in my school bag, I am pooped. I crawl into my blankets and curl into a small ball wishing Harry was here. I feel my eyes flutter because of exhaustion and fall asleep not to long after.
Celebrating the 10th chapter and 3.8k FUCKING READS (thank you. 😍) my next chapter will hopefully be a Q and A for all who are confused or just curious. don't forget to comment, vote and share xx

Also make sure to check out my other new book "Sangster" it's an original story by me and would love your opinions on it 💋💋

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2015 ⏰

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