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I wait for my lovely mate in the school with Alice. Our prank consists of Alice "flirting with me" and if all goes to plan she will know how I feel. "I see her" Alice rushes. "so big guy, you single?" She expresses in character.

*Raynes POV*
I head to Harry's locker with the intentions of apologising because some how this is my fault. "so big guy, you single" I see a girl with MY mate my anger boils quickly as she laughs and talks to him.. very fakely. I was almost fine that was until she decides to touch Harry; on the bicep; rubbing his arm. I actually blow, I sprint toward this whore and push her back with slight werewolf powers.and she collides with the lockers. I turn to face Harry and even he looks shocked.

"Your a dead dog" the girl growled as she ran at me. I can't verse her, I somehow know she is a werewolf and SHE IS RUNNING AT ME. "Alice No!" Harry's voice booms through the echoing hallways of our high school, as he stands in front of me. 'Alice' not being able to stop crashes into Harry falling back as if he were a concrete wall. He turns to me with softened jade eyes. "Baby it was a prank, I wanted you to know how I felt but-" "You mean you wanted to fuck with my head Harry" tears begin to brim my eyes. "I came to apologise asshole but your the one who needs to" I wipe away a single year before walking to my car.

I go to open the door before it's slammed back shut. I turn to see Harry with reddened eyes, he hasn't been crying but he is clearly radiating worry and stress. "Love, I'm sorry about yesterday, just any guy makes me so worried I'm going to lose you, you understand now that your my mate... Your my life, my hopes and my dreams, I couldn't bare having another guy even look at you" His gentle, yet touching words make me smile like the Cheshire Cat "Harry I-" I'm interrupted by the crashing of both our lips, he leans me against the car with a hand on my cheek and a hand on my waist. the kiss is full of lust, passion and love, it feels like I'm finding out he is my mate all over again, I wish it would last like this forever.

He picks me up and sits me on the side of the bonnet his fingers sliding under the hem of my shirt. "EW PDA" A boy screams "Louis you dick they were going to have car park sex" I recognise Nialls voice "so you'd like to see that" I recognise Liam's voice. I break Harry and my kiss in pure embarrassment, I didn't even see them. sneaky bastards. I feel Harry slightly adjust to face them "goin lads shows over" he chuckles. I hear them all walk away "I didn't know you were friends with Liam" I ask in curiosity. "Yea I mean Liam, Niall and Louis and I have been best friends for a while now" which leads me to wonder "How old are you" I ask "18" he grins proud of himself. I said that out loud didn't I ugh.

"C'mon wanna go get smoothies and then go back to mine" he smiles waiting for my reply. I smile at the pleasant, calming thought of just us together, "sure" I warmly smile. "Wait till my parents meet you" I laugh loudly at the thought of MY parents meeting a tattooed, leather jacket wearing, 18 year old. "Ok crazy he simply replies before I start my car. after a complained filled car ride from Harry complained car ride from Harry about it being too 'squishy' so I drive a little over the limit to hurry for the poor, underprivileged child. We arrive at Harry's an sit in the car, finishing out smoothies indulging in small talk.

"Choose a god damn movie" He groans. Impatient shit. fine, this one looks good, I haven't seen it yet. "OMG TWENTY ONE JUMP STREET!" He fangirls but quickly covers it when he sees my facial expression. "put it on slave" he giggles sitting back, putting his feet up. "fuck you" I spit back" hmm maybe later" he winks back. It gets up to the part where they take the drugs and trip out when Harry pecks my cheek. "baby this movies getting boring" he huskily whispers as he walks his index and middle finger up from my knee to middle thigh. I face him inches away from his soft, pink lips. "then let's build a fort I whisper and he begins smiling widely. it's almost scary.

The fort takes about two hours to complete as Harry was being a dickhead and knocked it over the first time. We lay in the fort talking and laughing "wait a sec" Harry races of leaving me stranded in this lonely little fort. It's a few moments when Harry returns with blankets and pillows. "It's a camp out" he wildly laughs, he has beautiful dimples and the creases on his face perfectly form as he laughs. Harry positions the pillows and blankets before falling asleep curled around me peacefully. Not long after I follow.


HOW WAS IT i loved writing it ;3
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