Chapter Three

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When Felix woke up that morning, his eyes were so heavy, it seemed to him that he hadn't slept in months ; clearly, working on his Korean until 3AM wasn't a good idea and he was paying the consequences now. Felix stirred, letting out a long groan, and sighed before getting up and walking to the bathroom to take a shower. Once he was ready, he ate a quick breakfast and headed outside to wait for the bus taking him to school to arrive. When it did, ten minutes later, he climbed in, found a seat and beamed when a few minutes later, Minho entered the bus, followed by a smiling Jisung. Felix excitedly waved at the two boys who smiled at him and joined him, sitting next to their friend.

"Morning, Yongboki," Minho said with a smile. He eyed the boy and frowned. "You look tired, what did you do last night?"

"I worked until very late in the night," Felix admitted. "I was so focused that I didn't see the time. I think I went to bed at 3AM..." he said, mixing Korean and English in his hurry to explain himself, but luckily, Minho understood. He nodded, but his frown never left his features.

"You should be careful," he said, very seriously. "You mustn't ruin your health over work. You know I'm here to help you, plus you've improved a lot, so you don't need to work as much."  

Felix nodded with a smile. "Do you guys live in the same neighbourhood?" He asked, trying to change the subject. Jisung suddenly blushed and tried to reply, tripping over his words, and Minho let out a small awkward laugh as he scratched the back of his head, the combo making Felix very confused. 

"Uhm no," Jisung finally managed to stammer. "I uh... well, uh... Minho hyung was helping me with homework last night, you see, and uhm... his mother suggested I stayed over, because it was so late..."

"Oh okay," Felix smiled, buying the story without thinking twice. He had no idea why his question had triggered such embarrassment from his two friends, but he shrugged it off. They were arriving anyway.

Once they reached the main building, Minho bid Felix goodbye, wishing him good luck. Felix stood there, clearly expecting something, and Minho raised an eyebrow.

"I'm waiting for Jisung, we're in the same class," Felix said, confused as to why Minho seemed to not understand why the Aussie was waiting. It was quite evident wasn't it?

"Oh! If you don't mind, I just need to borrow Jisung for a few minutes," Minho smiled.

"I'll join you in a minute," Jisung said, his cheeks red.

Felix nodded and walked away, still very much confused as to why Jisung and Minho seemed so secretive and awkward for what seemed no reason at all... Were they hiding something? Despite his curious nature, Felix didn't care much about this. Shaking his head, Felix squared his shoulders and looked up, and a flicker of joy sparkled in his eyes as he saw Chan walking towards him. But he suddenly froze when he realised Changbin was next to his cousin, head down, his cap hiding his face. Felix swallowed, his heart beating faster as he hesitantly approached the two boys, the fear of being ignored and pushed away by Changbin growing. His thoughts were racing in his head, his steps more and more unsure the closer he got to the two boys. He almost stopped and turned around, but the craving to speak to Changbin, spend just a few seconds with him, got the better of him. Chan noticed his cousin, smiled and waved at him, hurrying towards the younger boy, Changbin following, a little confused until he saw the Aussie, and he stiffened.

"Hi Felix!" Chan happily said once he reached his cousin.

"Hi, hyung," Felix replied, smiling as well, but nervously fiddling with his fingers. He lowered his head, taking a deep breath before turning to Changbin, his heart beating so fast, he thought everyone around him could hear it. "Hello, Changbin hyung." He softly said, hoping in his heart that the other boy would answer him. Changbin looked up and stared at Felix, his expression unreadable.

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