Chapter Four

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"Hey, Felix!!" Hyunjin happily squealed as he reached his place next to Felix in the classroom. Felix let out a chuckle as he looked at his excited friend.

"What is it?" The Aussie smiled.

"I'm throwing a party tomorrow night! Do you wanna come??" Hyunjin asked, looking like an overly excited puppy that could barely stay still.

"A party?" Felix asked, his smile fading, an expression of wonder taking its place, excitement bubbling in his heart. "Who else is coming?" Felix asked, secretly hoping Changbin would be there. Maybe with a little alcohol in his blood, he'd be able to talk to him, finally. Well, that was quite pathetic to think that way... To think he could talk to Changbin, only if had drunk previously. Felix internally sighed and turned his attention back to his friend.

"Well, Chan hyung, Minho hyung, Jisung, Seungmin, my brother of course, me, you if you want? Then I also asked Wooyoung and San, and I think Chan hyung will want to bring Hongjoong hyung, and there will be a few girls from our class and maybe Chan hyung's class too! I'm so excited! You won't know everyone, but neither will I to be honest... When there's a party, other people bring their friends, so yeah. But you know that."

Felix had to hide his disappointment when Changbin's name wasn't mentioned. "That sounds good," Felix smiled nonetheless. "Yeah, I'll come!"

Hyunjin squealed and clapped his hands together, before throwing himself on Felix and hugging him tightly, causing the boy to laugh.

Jisung turned towards Hyunjin and Felix, scowling, and rolled his eyes. "Are you still talking about your party?" He asked, annoyance and boredom laced in his voice.

"Come on, Jisung!" Hyunjin whined. He detached himself from Felix and pouted. "I got the news yesterday only, I'm not done inviting everyone yet!"

"You talked to me and Minho hyung about this for two entire hours!" Jisung exclaimed with a frown. "You could have used those hours to invite people."

Hyunjin rolled his eyes and poked Jisung repeatedly, the boy batting his hand away. "Come on, you're as excited as I am!" Hyunjin smirked. Jisung's frown only deepened, and he looked back towards the blackboard, hiding his evident smile, before whipping his head towards Hyunjin, beaming at him.

"Yeah I am!!" He exclaimed, eyes sparkling.

"I knew it!" Hyunjin replied with a wide smile.

"Don't forget to ask Changbin hyung as well," Jisung added. It took Felix a lot of self control to not suddenly stop what he was doing and look at Hyunjin. Instead, he continued taking his books out of his bag, but was all ears for the ongoing conversation.

"Yeah, I know," Hyunjin said, and there was tightness in his voice, which this time didn't go unnoticed by Felix who decided to ignore it. "Although I'm pretty sure he'll say no." Hyunjin shrugged and sat down.

"Yeah, but he's still our friend, it's common courtesy. And who knows, maybe this time he'll say yes? He has a reason to," Jisung stated, glancing towards Felix who hadn't noticed the look, as he was pretending to focus on his book and not listen to the conversation, and had no idea what Jisung meant by that. Hyunjin smiled lightly and nodded, fiddling with his fingers, his smile slowly disappearing.

The night of the party soon arrived and Felix was extremely nervous. He knew Hyunjin had invited Changbin, but he didn't know if he'd come or not, and it was enough to play with his nerves.

"Stop fidgeting!" Chan exclaimed, dropping his hands along his body. "I'm trying to do your hair, you're not making it any easier!"

"I'm sorry," Felix replied. He looked down at his hands and bit on his lip, as he tried his best to remain still.

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