Chapter Five

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When Felix woke up the next day, his head was throbbing, his stomach aching and dizziness made his head spin. He winced in pain and discomfort, trying to sit up only to realise that he wouldn't be able to get up any time soon. He still felt exhausted and thus decided to go back to sleep. But as soon as he slumped back against his pillow and closed his eyes, sleep washing over him, his phone started ringing, startling him awake and the boy whined in annoyance. He fumbled for the irritating device and answered the call without checking the name displayed on the screen.

"Hello?" He rasped. He cleared his throat and heard a laugh on the other side of the line.

"Wow, your voice is so deep!" the boy laughed. "Are you okay?"

Felix immediately recognised the voice and guilt spread in his stomach as he remembered last night's events. "Hey, Jinnie. I'm so sorry about last night, I think I passed out, I'm so sorry."

"You think?" Hyunjin giggled before his tone became more serious. "Lix, don't worry about it. It's okay."

"I hope I didn't ruin anything-"

"Of course not!" Hyunjin warmly said, interrupting his friend before he could keep beating himself up. "It's alright, it happens to everyone. Are you feeling better?"

Felix smiled. "Thank you. I'm feeling okay, except for a headache and the fact that I'm tired. The party was really nice, by the way. Chan hyung was right!"

"Drink water and rest, you'll feel better. And thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it," Hyunjin replied. He paused for a second. "Uhm... what do you mean by 'Chan hyung was right'?"

"He said your parties were always nice," Felix yawned.

"He- he said that?" Hyunjin spluttered, his face turning a deep shade of red. He was thankful Felix couldn't see it...

Felix hummed in response as he rubbed his eyes.

Hyunjin giggled lightly. There was silence before he spoke again. "But anyway, what happened to you? Why did you pass out? You barely had anything to drink from what I recall..."

"Yeah, I know, I had two glasses of beer, I think... Or three? I don't know." Felix replied.

"Is that too much for you?"

"I guess... I don't know. But I didn't feel drunk. I don't know what happened to me," Felix said, pursing his lips.

"Mhm... Well, if it was alcohol, that's okay. Don't beat yourself up. Like I said, it happens to everybody. I've had my fair share of blacking out from drinking too much." Hyunjin said.

Felix smiled and got more comfortable in his bed. He placed his phone next to him on speaker and closed his eyes. "Hyune, how did I get in my bed?"

Hyunjin went silent for a moment. "Chan hyung took you home." He finally said.

"Ah, I thought it was him," Felix said.

"What do you mean?"

"I remember being carried into a room, and then I fell asleep in someone's arms. I thought it wasn't Chan for a moment, but I guess it was. I'll thank him later."

Hyunjin remained quiet and finally cleared his throat. "Well, other than that, the party ended well."

"Oh, tell me, I wanna know."

Hyunjin chuckled. "Okay okay. So, obviously, when you passed out, people were a little worried. You should have seen Wooyoung! Thankfully, San was here to calm him down, but he was freaked out. Kept asking if you were okay and all. Seungmin spent most of his time with Jeongin and this girl..." Hyunjin let out a sound of annoyance.

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