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I wake up in a bright room. I'm strapped down to a bed. There are mirrors on the other side of the room. All I can think about is how much that demons going to miss me when it was about to have me. I start to laugh evil and loudly. After a few moments it turns into a scream of horror.

People in white clothes and masked faces rush in trying to stabilize my screaming by giving me a shot. After a while they let me free to roam around the room. I go straight towards a corner and start to bang my head against the wall screaming,"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME!"over and over until I lose my voice.

It's been 3 weeks since they put me here. I scream every time my voice gets back until it's gone again. I only do it so they feel my pain. I wish they would let me free and go home or at least see the light of day. I don't even know when it's day or night any more.

I bang my head ruffly against the wall that now has a dent in it from me banging on it every moment I can. I never remember me eating. I think they drug me first. I wish I didn't remember anything. I just wanna go home.

If I'm lucky I get knocked out. Its rare though. I've never been able to see the door ever since I got here. I wish I could. Right now I'm in the corner screaming my head off at the mirror because I can tell they can see me and I just can't see them.

After 5 minutes I stop screaming losing my voice. It was strange because this time I passed out in a flash of light.

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