Chapter 4

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"Come on kiddo, wake up." James says.

I groan. "But I'm tired, just ten more hours." He chuckles.

"If you really want spiders to crawl all over your face while you sleep, okay." My eyes snap open. He's just fucking with us, Lia says.

I sit up and look around. I'm sitting on the ground in the middle of the forest. What the hell? "Where are we?" I ask as I stand up and stretch.

He looks at me confused. "What do you remember?" I look at him annoyed. "You know I don't like when you say that, it makes me feel retarted."

"Answer the question Rose. What do you remember?" I think for a minute before the memories start rushing through my head. I shake my head and look at my bare feet. "'You were a mistake'." I whisper as a tear sips down my cheek.

I look up at James as more tears start falling. "What did I ever do to him?" James takes a step towards me but I take a step back. "I hate him, James. I freaking hate him."

He extends his arm. "It's okay Rose. Not a lot of people like him either."

"But not a lot of people get choked because they were a 'mistake'!" I yell as I stomp my foot on the ground. This isn't typical behavior from me but at this point, I don't care. Dad is just going to continue to hurt me and mommy. He's going to continue to call my gift from our goddess a curse. It's never going to change.

Hurt flashes through James' face but it's gone in an instant. I shift my gaze towards a pile of sticks and leaves. Hmm, I concentrate on the pile more intently, burn.

The pile if things bursts into flames. "Shit!" James yells as he jumps away from it. The fire starts to expand, slowly moving in every direction. Burn until there's nothing left, I think. James is shouting but all of my attention is focused on the fire. Take away all the fears that live here until nothing-

"ROSE!" A familiar voice, that doesn't belong to anyone in the pack, yells. Lia becomes excited and is becoming slightly harder to control. Jesus Lia, calm the freak down.

But it's him! She practically yells in excitement.

I lose concentration and turn around. I hurry and turn around, but he's not there. I look around, he's not here. "Rose, would you please fucking listen to what I'm saying!" James yells.

I snap my head towards James. "Don't yell at me asshat." James' serious face disappears as a grin crosses his face.

"I'm sorry kiddo," he sighs. He looks past me to where the burnt shrubs are then shakes his head. "It still amazes me that someone as small as you can have such a big gift."

I nod then continue to look around for him. "What are you looking for?" James asks. "N-nothing," I say quickly. "I-I was just at the.." I look around. "The flowers!" I run over to them and pick one. "See, they're just really pretty!"
James narrows his eyes. "Liar." I stomp my foot. "I am not!" He clicks his tongue. "Ah come one kiddo, are you really trying to lie to me right now?"

I shake my head, "I am not lying!"

"Yes, you are. Now what the hell are you really looking for?" He raises his eyebrow.

I sigh and look at my feet. "I thought I heard him." I mumble. "What? Kiddo you need to speak up." I clear my throat and glare at James. "I thought I heard him," I shout. "Did you hear me that time?"

Confusion crosses his face. "Who?"

I growl. "None of your business." James snickers.

"What's his name? How cute is he, huh kiddo?" My face turns bright red and I hurry and turn around, getting ready to run away, when James catches my arm before I have the chance to get anywhere.

"Ah come on, kiddo. I was just messing around with you." He says as he turns me around to face him.

I sigh in defeat. "Diego," I mumble.


"I thought I heard Diego." James bursts into laughter. "It's not funny, jerk!"

"Watch, you two are going to be mates when you're older," he says.

"Pfft, I don't need a mate. Im plenty capable of taking care of myself." I say as I start pickout out the leaves and twigs that are in my hair.

"Right, we'll just have to wait and see about that."

"Whatever," I pull another twig out. "What happened earlier? I can't remember what happened after dad put his hands on me." 

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