Chapter 3

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The Lightwoods POV

Isabelle and Alec were looking over the cameras from the city looking going over their next mission when Jace came rushing in with the two girls from the nightclub both looking very un-well and unconscious. Isabelle rushed over and grabbed the dark haired girl from Jace and carried her bridal style over to the infirmary where she set her down on the bed and went to grab her stele, when she came back she saw that the black haired girl was now de-glamoured and all of he runes was on show. So she's a shadow hunter Alec said from behind me It appears that way big brother I replied back. i went over to her and highlighted her healing rune in order to stop the demon venom to stop spreading and for the wound to heal.

Jace was about to do the same the the ginger girl in the bed beside her when Alec stopped him and said how do we know she is a shadow hunter as well? Jace replied back when we was fighting she picked up the seraph blade and it lit up and carried on with what he was doing.

10 minutes later

Clary's POV

When I woke I suddenly sat up right and head butted a girl that was sat right in front of me. ow the black haired girl said I was about to apologise when it dawned on me wait I don't know you where is my sister? before I could say anything else she replied I'm Isabelle with a warm smile she added on and as for your sister she is recovering from the demon fight you was in over there and pointed to the bed next to me. I quickly rushed to my sisters side when the girl spoke up once again I've never seen Jace so curious about a mundane or distracted with a massive smile. I wasn't really paying attention as I was looking over my sisters body for any injuries but there were none the girl spoke once again and said as you have seen distractions are very dangerous in our line of work i replied with I have no idea what you are talking about making eye contact with the girl again she had a confused look on her face You really don't know much do you, your sister on the other hand she was good talented looking down from my face to Iris with a small grin. Before the conversation could go any further two males entered the room me and Iris was staying in.

Mundane's shouldn't even be in the institute the black haired boy said 

I replied with where is here exactly? 

They are not mundanes's Alec, for one that girl over there has runes all over her she's know what she is for a while. He stopped and looked at me but you on the other hand your new

You don't know that the black haired boy said again Jace looked at him and glared and he soon stopped talking. Isabelle sat up and walked to the other boy I'm Jace Wayland.

I was about to tell him my name when Isabelle spoke this Clary Fraye and Iris Fraye we know after our little bump in we researched you and more specifically your sister seems as she's has all the training of a shadow hunter.

Am I the only one that finds this unusual too girls that crashed out mission shows up out of no where one has decent shadow hunter abilities and the other knows nothing Alec spoke again

You find everything unusual Alec, Izzy will you please take him somewhere else he looked over to the girl and she nodded 

Come on big brother ill explain it to you she said with a loving smile

Suddenly my phone went off and I looked down and saw the caller ID it was Simon, I answered and he said that he was outside so I quickly got up and went outside to meet him with Jace.

Iris POV

When I woke up I was immediately on alert for anyone that may try and harm me, but to my surprise there was no one around. The in remembered Clary what happened? I thought to myself and then it all came back to me, I must be in the Blonde boys institute I looked around and it was completely white clean. I looked to the left and saw another bed that looked like it had been used Clary is definitely here.

Who is she? - Isabelle LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now