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After Colt and I got some cotton candy, we just kept on walking around.

„I see you like cotton candy." he laughed charming.
„It's so good!" I smacked my lips.
I had sticky hands and everything smelled like cotton candy.
I actually enjoy marleys modern lifestyle.
Paradis would never win a competition against marleys wonderful food.

I mean I love homes food, but I enjoy eating new things like lobster or cotton candy.

„So what would you like To do? The ceremony starts in 30 minutes..." Colt said, washing his hand with a wet towel, which was next to a fountain.
„How about.... going to the stage! A lot of people are walking around and I want to see the child that's going to receive the war-hammer titan." I suggested, also cleaning my hands.

Colt smiled at me and nodded happily.
„Lets go then." he said, gently grabbing my hand.
I smiled back and we walked on top of the Stage.
There were a lot of children Running around and playing games like hide and seek.
A lot of grown up men in dark suits were sitting at a table, playing cards while smoking and drinking marleyan wine.

„My dad is over there." Colt said, pointing at the men in the suits.
I grabbed the end of my shirt and squeezed it in my hands out of nervousness.
„We don't have to say hi to him. He seems to be busy." Colt shrugged his shoulders.
„Yeah right... does he already know who the new titan will receive?" I asked him.
„Of course he does. It's one of these 5 children right there." he laughed, showing me 3 girls and 2 boys playing hide and seek.
The girl with the ginger hair was hiding behind a curtain.

„This ginger girl... how old is she?" I asked him.
„No clue... I'd say younger than Falco... maybe... 7 years.. why are you asking anyways?"
„Because they all look older than her. Do you think she's gonna be the new war-Hammer titan?" I asked him by pulling his arm.
„Uhh... I don't know. We will see in a few minutes... actually I need to talk to Pieck. I'll be right back... just stay here..." he said, walking away.
„Sure!" I called before he left the stage.

I had time for my own, so I just walked around, trying to get some major informations about the ceremony.

I listened to some of the kids, but they weren't talking about the ceremony at all.
They were talking about things like playing football or eating ice cream.
This was actually calming me down...
I totally know how it feels to leave your family at a young age, but these kids are even younger than me...
One of them will turn into a titan and destroy paradis...
My paradis...

„Hey you!" I spoke to the girl with the ginger hair.
„hellow ma'am." she said in a squeaky voice.
„Do you know who the new titan will receive?" I asked her, smiling softly.
„Mister Grice Said I'm not allowed to tell anyone. It's a SURPRISEEE!!!" She giggled, running to her friends, and leaving me all alone again.

„Mr. Grice.." I whispered.


After I got some informations I sat down on a chair in the middle of the stage and started to write everything down.

Mr. Grice ~> important
Children between 7-11

Ginger girl with high pitched voice and freckles, green eyes, rather short ( as tall as Historia) plump with long lashes and rosy lips.

Pale girl with mid length blonde hair. A part of her hair is dyed red, bangs, grayish big eyes, small nose, skinny, rather tall (as tall as Armin)

Girl with dark short dark blue hair, hazel Asian eyes, small nose, short legs, skinny, short (shorter than captain Levi)
Thick eyebrows.

Boy with long brown hair and black roots, big blue eyes, rather big nose, scar on left eyebrow, rather tall ( As tall as Mikasa) brownish lips, dark circles under his eyes.

Boy with short blonde hair, blue eyes... as Blue as the ocean.. small lips, rosy cheeks, sharp teeth, pretty short (as tall as Connie), one of his hands has a mole on the middle finger.

While I was writing about the ceremony, suddenly someone put me under a bag.
I screamed for help, but Noone answered.

The voices started to get more and more silent, the lights got much lighter and the smell of cotton candy faded away.

No one was moving me or something.
I was still sitting there, not able to take off the woolen bag off of my head.

„Hello everyone... I'm happy you're all here. Today we are going to get our revenge.
For those who already forgot why we're here:
Today one of these 6 people will receive the war-Hammer titan." a male voice said through a microphone, making everyone clap for an Applaus.

My hands got sweaty and I wasn't able to breath well.
Why am I here? I should be with Colt!
I tried to stay silent...

It won't be me anyways...

„Okay so I will explain to everyone how this is going to be. In a few minutes one of these 6 people will get a vaccine with spinal fluid of the war-Hammer titan. This person will turn into a titan and eat our old war-Hammer. After this the person will have 4 years of training. We want to be stronger than last time... that's why the kids are so young." the man explained.

Everyone was clapping and screaming again.
It got more and more warm under the bag.
My hair started to stick on my forehead.

„Okay so... let the ceremony begin...."

-a cliffhanger for my beloved readers<3
Who do you think will receive the war-Hammer titan?
Also did you like this chapter? It's more serious I guess...
yeah well actually where the fuck are our friends from paradis?-

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