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They looked at each other, all confused.
„We've changed? Ma'am look at yourself!" Connie joked.
I furrowed my brow, not knowing what he was talking about.
„Isn't it obvious? You got taller, and uhmm... well your body over all also changed... it's been a long time since-" Connie started.
„Since you dropped me here? Yeah it's been 3 years. Funny, right?" I interrupted him.
„She feisty." Jean whispered, giving Armin a soft punch on his arm.
„Jean please.." Armin sighted.
We were just standing there, in an awkward silence. I was asking myself why I was so rude. Obviously I'm super mad at them, but I also missed them for so long. Feels wrong to hate on them. Now I understand Reiner. After spending so much time with the enemy... your mind starts to think that the enemy is actually good. But, Paradis. I fought for paradis since captain Levi showed me how to. I can't just switch sides.
I looked up at the starry night. No clouds. Only the moon, the stars.
I slowly grabbed Armins hand. I didn't say anything. I just held his hand.
„y/n we would have to get back to the airship.." Armin said, nervously. I nodded slowly and we started walking.
I just walked away. From my new friends. From Colt... from everyone.
The high grass we were walking through was tickling my legs. Felt like when I came to marley for the first time. I took a deep breath. Armins hand got cold, so I held it tighter.

After we were near the ocean, I saw a big airship. A rope was dangling down, Sasha started to climb it up. After Sasha Connie went, and then Jean.
I pulled Armins sleeve.
„Who's up there?" I asked him, a little terrified.
„Family.." he whispered.
I was trembling a little bit. I hesitated before grabbing the rope. I climbed it up, as fast as I could. Nobody is allowed to find me here..

After I reached the floor, I swallowed one last time. I heard a lot of voices, but I couldn't recognize a single one, besides of Jean Connie and Sasha.
„Okay... here goes nothing.." I whispered before walking inside.
As soon as I walked in, no one talked. They all just stared at me. It felt weird. I looked over to Sasha, but she was just grinning like an idiot.

Armin also came up and stood next to me.
„Ar-" I started to whisper, but suddenly everyone put their right arm on their chest. Right over their Heart.
The other arm was placed on their back...
„y/n... humanity's most loyal solider.." a female voice behind the crowd said.
„What- I don't understand.." I mumbled confused.
The person walked through the crowd. Commander Hange... and... Captain Levi.
They were standing there. Hange with a big smile, Levi was just... looking annoyed. As always..

-so guys I guess the next few chapters are also gonna be short... I can write more when the chapters are short so I hope that's okay for you-

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