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Sunday, 31st January 2021

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Sunday, 31st January 2021. 

- Can't believe you made me fly here to help you move - Her brother Joshua complained for the third time while unpacking and she smirked

- Not my fault you're the older brother - She shot back - But I really do appreciate the help

- Nervous to be living by yourself for the first time? 

- Very. But we did live without our parents for a while in a way bigger space, so I guess I'm ok. - She smiled taking the few clothes left in the box. 

Kelsey Gerber wasn't your typical rich girl. Maybe she looked like one and had a passion for fashion, but you couldn't expect something different from someone whose mother was huge in the industry, right? 

The girl wasn't an extrovert by by any means. She would go out with the few friends she liked to have around but if she didn't feel like it, Netflix or a good book or something to paint would be her best company and go to for any day and any night.

She didn't have the rush to get a license like most teenagers and she even had the money to have her dream car, unfortunately for her, she was way too scared of learning it and therefore she was more than fine with getting ubers and getting the subway now that she was living in the UK. 

Something else she was raised between was cars and of course, motorsport. She was sure that her family would never give up in making her a lover of the sport, she appreciated it, she understood the behind the scenes of it and had mad respect for everyone involved, but it was still hard for her to sit still during all the race. Unless Red Bull had an actual shot and/or she was in the actual track. 

- You'll be alright? - Joshua asked her before collecting his stuff to leave

- Of course - She affirmed even though she wasn't so confident anymore

- Be safe and anything call the Horner's - He said and she agreed rolling her eyes slightly

- Great, all by myself now - She sighed looking around the apartment that still needed a lot of improvement to feel like an actual home but she knew she would get there. 

It wasn't a day of lots of emotions for the brunette, she knew what she had to get done and it didn't take long to do so, which left her with time to spare, which was used to finish one of her books, the last Harry Potter book. Not the first time she read it but it was as exciting as the past times.

Except, everything that seems to calm ends pretty quickly. 

With no food in the apartment she had to resort to the second option, takeout. Being smart about eating something healthy for the first time she ordered a simple salad with chicken from a nearby restaurant, it was truly a blind shot since she had no idea if it was good or not. 

And even though the process of getting out of her apartment and into the elevator and finally the reception to collect it, the way back wasn't so easy. 

Kelsey may have lived in Australia before but that didn't mean she was used to insects, nope, absolutely not ok with it. Cockroaches were something she would never be ok with and one in front of her apartment door screamed that she was living alone and had to grow up. 

But she was not dealing with it right now. Not after she hear voices in the apartment next to hers. 

It didn't take long for her to think, completely forgetting about her shyness, she ringed the doorbell of the door next to her, being soon faced by two blonde boys who looked close in age to her. 

- Hi? - One of them asked her with a different accent that made her furrow her eyebrows but quickly remember her issue after hearing the noise of the cockroach attempting to fly

- Hi, sorry to bother but any of you are not scared of cockroaches? - She asked not taking her eyes off the insect, scared it would fly towards her

- You're the New Zealand guy - The taller one said pointing at the other one who laughed

- I guess I'm not scared - He chuckled looking at the brunette in front of them

- Great, kill her? I would really like to get inside my apartment - She pointed at the insect while stepping back so the boys were able to step out. 

The guy quickly went to step on the insect making it fly in the direction of Kelsey and the blonde guy she didn't know the name making her scream and hide behind him making both boys laugh noticing she was actually terrified of it. 

He quickly took his shoes off and smashed the insect on the wall making the brunette girl sigh relieved before smiling at the boys 

- Thank you, like really. - She sighed going towards her apartment door

- Wait, I'm Juri and this is Liam. I'm your neighbour and he lives upstairs - The taller one said holding his hand out for her 

- I'm Kelsey - She smiled, her shyness getting back to her

- We never seen you before, moved recently? - Liam asked curiously at the girl since that apartment was empty for months

- Yeah, literally today - She chuckled before hearing her phone ring - I need to take it It's probably my family, thank you again for this - She smiled before opening her door

- Anytime. If you need any thing you know where to find us. 

I finally did the Liam story? So excited. 

Still really pissed that he got disqualified of the Monaco race, still the winner at my heart. 

See you all soon <3

ps. this will be a short story.

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