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Saturday, 22 May 2021

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Saturday, 22 May 2021.

"Liam Lawson disqualified."

It was something you could read anywhere on social media and it broke her heart to see it. She had watched the race from the Red Bull hospitality, it was an incredible race based on her close to zero knowledge, but the people around her agreed on it and she knew she was right. 

Liam had defended his position like a true racer would, she was indeed terrified at some moments, she didn't have the boldness and courage that race drivers had, specially not the level that the Kiwi had. 

Monaco was a special race, even if it divided opinions, some loved and some hated, it had it's history and it was always a special win in the principality, that was something her godfather had always told her. 

She knew the Kiwi must have been heartbroken to be out of it, in the podium ceremony, which she watched from the side along Juri Vips and Rafaela, his girlfriend, she could see the beaming smile that never left his face or his family. She knew that at that moment, that smile no longer existed. 

And it was only conformed after her phone was bombarded with messaged from Juri Vips, asking for her, according to him due to an urgent matter. 

She didn't believe it for a second, Juri had a way of turning everything into an urgent matter, the last time he used the two words all he wanted was some company to watch Avengers End Game and it was the way he found of having her at his apartment quickly. She knew better than to rush and embarrass herself in the paddock for it. 

- FINALLY - Juri screamed at her when he saw her arriving back in the Formula 2 paddock 

- Stop yelling - She slapped his arms making him look offended at her while rubbing the spot she did 

- Have you heard from Liam? - Kristy, Liam's mother asked the girl who furrowed her eyebrows shaking her head 

- I told you guys, he didn't contact any of us and it's not accepting our calls, he wouldn't have called her - Anna pointed out and Kelsey fought the urge to roll her eyes

- Can you try calling him? After the disqualification he did an interview he was needed and then disappeared - Holly, his older sister asked the brunette that seemed in a battle with herself. She knew she was worried and needed to do so. 

- If there's someone he will pick up it's you - Jared, his father said and the girl nodded taking her phone out of her bag, unblocking his number and placing the phone to her ear, hoping her would accept her call. 

"Hello? Kels?" - She heard his voice, not with the usual happiness tone in it

"Hey, where are you? Everyone is worrying" 

"I went for a walk, don't really know where I'm at" - He honestly answered before Kelsey nodded and gave the phone to Kristy. She couldn't imagine the distress his mother must be feeling. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2021 ⏰

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