Chapter 2

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"What am I to do with you?" Wen Qing asked softly, looking down at the still smiling Wei Ying. He looked happy, something she hadn't seen on him for a long time. Wen Yuan had found his way to Wei Ying's wide and promptly curled up and gone to sleep.

"Xian-gege," he mumbled face still red from crying.

Wen Qing sighed, feeling tears well up in her own. She did not cry often but figured now was okay. Lan Wangji had assured her that they would have his protection from now on, but Wen Qing wasn't sure. Their safety hadn't been assured with Wei Ying as much as he liked to think so, and Wen Qing wasn't sure she could trust the Lan. Wei Ying had certainly seemed to but that did little to bolster her confidence.

"Sister," Wen Ning said softly, for someone that was dead he could move silently. She would always be grateful to Wei Ying for bringing her brother back.

There were few people she grew attached to; Wei Ying was lucky enough to be one of them. Only now for her, she had lost someone important.

"Hanguang-Jun said that we would have protection under him. I believe we are safe there." Wen Ning said.

"He's only offering the protection because of Wei Ying," Wen Qing said flatly.

"Yes, but isn't any protection better than none?"

Wen Qing had to admit it was, but she was still prideful. Still didn't want to be under anyone's protection. Wei Ying had come to feel like family, and she had grown to respect the man.

"The elders are acting funny," Wen Ning said from his spot in the room. He was going through papers, looking for something.

"Are they?"

"Yes, they whisper amongst themselves and stop talking when I walk by. When I ask what's wrong, they won't tell me." Wen Ning held up a sheet, inspecting it, then placed it into the already searched pile.

Wen Qing was suspicious. The Wen's usually left the decisions to her and for them to be planning something on their own made her worry.

"I hope they are not planning anything too terrible."

"What makes you say that."

"The last time they planned something like this it led to an awful birthday party. Uncle Five and Six ended up in the mud."

Wen Qing almost laughed. Her brother's innocent behaviour was cute but also a frustrating. He shot her a look with a coy little smile. Then she did laugh. Too bad Wei Ying wasn't here to see that, he would have teased Wen Ning about it for months.

Wen Ning wasn't stupid despite the dazed and clueless expression he often wore.

"Thank you." Always when she needed it. Wen Ning went back to searching and she went back to thinking.

"Found it!" Wen Ning held up a talisman, looking proud.

Wen Qing watched as he moved over to Wei Ying's body and placed it on his forehead. "What?"

A brief flash brightened up the cave. "Master Wei told me about the talisman's he used to suppress me and said he had some that could slow down the bodies decomposition after death. I figured it was worth using, you know, in case anyone thought of anything."

Wen Qing looked at her brother sadly. "He's not coming back. Why can't anyone accept that?"

There was no response as Wen Ning left. Alone again Wen Qing went back to Wei Ying's papers. There really were too many of them. Great piles with no order. Some were half written on and some looked blank. Wen Qing had been trying to go through them; trying to find something that could help. Apparently, she hadn't given up yet either.

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