Chapter 4

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Wei Ying flew! He hadn't done that since he lost his core, and he hadn't realized how much he missed it. There were a few times when he almost crashed, but they were righted and he continued, too excited and elated to stop.

The world was beautiful. He looked at everything he could, enjoyed the growing trees and the green plants and the people going about their business. Jiang Cheng didn't hate him, and Lan Zhan was talking to him, everything was good. Knowing it wouldn't last was the only black mark on an otherwise perfect day.

As the Yunmeng came into view Wei Ying paused. So much had happened here, most good, some bad, but he was still glad to be back. He landed in the training area, which was strangely empty for this time of day.

"I'm home!" he called. When no answer came, he frowned and walked into the building.

The meeting hall was empty, and no one walked the hallways. "Did they vanish?"

He passed the training grounds again when an excited yell stopped him. "Young Master Wei!"

He was suddenly surrounded by people all patting him and hugging him. "We're so glad you're back!" someone said, and the others agreed with happy calls and laughter.

It had been years since Wei Ying had seen this much excitement in the Yunmeng. "I'm glad to be back too. I've missed you all!"

"Coming without warning, how typical of you." Jiang Cheng's voice brought the excitement down a few notches, but he was smiling. Wei Ying's grew at the sight and he rushed over giving his brother a hug. "Still fashionably late."

"Always," Wei Ying replied.

Jiang Cheng's arms tightened around him for once unconscious of the stares he was receiving. "Don't make me watch you die again," he said quietly.

Wei Ying laughed in a matching tone. "I will try my very best to die after you then."

Jiang Cheng smacked him as he released. His face returned to the usual unhappy scowl and Wei Ying couldn't have been happier to see it.

"Moved my room yet?" Wei Ying asked.

"No, no one wanted to touch it."

"Sect Leader wouldn't let anyone touch it more like," someone said.

"Really Jiang Cheng?"

Jiang Cheng scowled harder, embarrassed. He pivoted and walked away calling over his shoulder. "100 extra swings for all of you."

There was a collective groan, but it was the happiest sound Wei Ying had ever heard. "Well, you heard the man, let's get swinging!" he said.

Jiang Cheng didn't stop him from joining but watched the whole practice.

"Have you figured out what you're going to tell the Sects when they ask why I'm alive?" Wei Ying asked later that evening. The two were sitting in the garden pavilion tea cooling mostly untouched in front of them. Jiang Cheng had somehow managed to get some of Jiejie's pork rib soup, which Wei Ying devoured.

"Not fully, but we will figure it out."

"That's not like you at all Jiang Cheng. Not thinking something through. Are you feeling okay?"

Jiang Cheng glared at him. "The decision to save you took priority, what to do after didn't matter at the time. I have thought about it since but none of the ideas will stick."

Wei Ying sipped his tea thoughtfully. "I won't be of any help so good luck."

Jiang Cheng scoffed and smiled. Wei Ying was still not used to him doing that.

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