Chapter 3

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Jiang Cheng thought he had this. Turns out he didn't.

How could Wei Ying be so convincing all the time? His smile probably helped but unfortunately, Jiang Cheng wasn't in possession of a good one. He would have to practice that later.

He approached the disciples first. There was only a little hesitation since he didn't fully know how they would react, but he had been around them enough to know Wei Ying was held in some regard. He would just have to try.

There was a group of them resting after training and when he approached, they scrambled to their feet and saluted him. "Greeting's Sect Leader."

"How do you see Wei Wuxian?" He decided it was easier to just dive right in.

The group stared at him, clearly not sure what answer he wanted to hear.

"If you had a chance to save him, would you?"

This got surprised staring and Jiang Cheng was beginning to get annoyed.

"Sect Leader, we thought you hated Young Master Wei," one of the disciples said.

Jiang Cheng thought that was a normal reaction considering he had not been shy in sharing his opinion on his brother's most recent activities.

"I have seen some things that have changed my opinion." Seeing your brother die would do that.

The disciples looked almost hopeful. There were glances between them, and Jiang Cheng felt himself take on their hope. "If we could be of assistance then yes, please let up help."

Jiang Cheng ducked his head as gratitude surged. "It will require your energy in the literal sense."

There was some confusion, but no one changed their minds. Deciding to be honest Jiang Cheng shared with them what their help would entail. Even after knowing their life energy would be taken the disciples still wanted to help.

"We are family," the spokesperson for the group said.

"Thank you," Jiang Cheng said with sincerity.

"If it means we get to see our normally stiff Sect Leader like this then it will have been worth it regardless of the outcome." The group laughed and Jiang Cheng found a smile making its way onto his face.

"That will get you punishment," he said, and the speaker whined.

Jiang Cheng imagined Wei Ying egging him on. The hope was beginning to spread.

The Sects were a little harder to convince. Getting them to gather in a timely manner was a task itself. Wei Ying was dead; they saw no reason to send a force.

"The Wen's will die off shortly," one of the leaders said.

"You did not think that when the Yiling Patriarch was alive," Jiang Cheng said through clenched teeth.

"He posed a threat, they do not," he said, sounding smug.

Jiang Cheng clenched his hands. They were nothing more than a bunch of selfish bastards. Jin Guangyao sat silently watching Jiang Cheng.

"Why are you suddenly so eager to kill the people the Yiling Patriarch was protecting?" Jin Guangyao asked suspiciously.

"They are the reason he's dead. I think that is enough reason." Jiang Cheng was done talking. These stupid people should just hurry up and believe him. They were the only way he was getting his brother back after all.

"I will help," Nie Huaisang said much to everyone's surprise.

Jiang Cheng was grateful. One of the main sects was agreeing to help, even if it was the leader with the least credibility. With the backing of Nie Huaisang, the other leaders began to come around.

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