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“Zain, open your eyes man. Wake up.” Saleem patted his forehead slightly before dragging away the curtains from the window.

“Ah, my head. Did someone hit me with a hockey or something on my head?” He held his head as he got up and looked at his friend through squinted eyes.

“This is what I want to ask you.” Saleem folded his arms over his stomach and furrowed his eyebrows at him.

“Uh. Come again?” Zain gave a puzzled look before grabbing a glass of water from the side table and gulping it down his throat.

“You were found passed out in the middle of the forest this morning.”

“I, what ?” Shock flashed across his face.

“You don't remember anything?” Saleem lifted his eyebrow at him.

“ Not yet, at least.” He rubbed his temples.

“Here are some medicines doctor prescribed for you. Have some food before you take them.”

“Sure, thanks man.”

“You are welc.....what is this?” Saleem took his hoodie in his hand and anklet slipped out of it and fell in his feet.

“Z.... Zain. What is it doing in your hoodie's pocket?” He almost yelled at his friend.

“Whoa, man what is wrong with you? Why are you shouting?” Zain gave him a puzzled look.

“N... nothing. You should eat your food and have medicine on time.” Saleem held the anklet in his fist and went out of the room.

“Sir an old man is waiting downstairs to meet you. He says that he is from Rosa resort. He says, he is in extreme urgency.” A servant informed Saleem.

“Ok. I am coming.” Saleem dropped the anklet in his pocket and went downstairs.


“Sir. This is me Gullu Khan. I have to tell you something extremely important, Sir.”

Gullu Khan was a former work in Saleem's father's company and after leaving that job he had been running a resort for seven years.

“ What is it Gullu Khan? Why you sound so urgent and worried?” Saleem ordered the servant for tea before fixing his attention on Gullu Khan.

“She is back, Sir.” The hair on his back and ears stood up. He snapped up his face at him and widened his eyes.

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“Sh…she is back, Sir. I saw her anklet in your friend's pocket. You should tell him the truth before anything happens to you or him.” Gullu Khan patted his sweaty forehead with his handkerchief.

“Drop your voice, Gullu Khan and stop hallucinating. She is not back and can never be. And save one thing in your brain that I have not done anything sinful with her or him that they would have to pull a revenge against me."

“B…but Sir.”

“No, but Sir or she is back anymore. Dead don't return to earth, and she is dead.” He spoke through clenched teeth.

“Who is dead?” Saleem's head snapped in his direction. Zain stood at the door of the study room with a curious look on his face.

“Haha, no one special. We were talking about his relative. Actually she passed away yesterday, and he needed my financial help.” Sweat crept down his temple and neck.

“Uh. Ok.” Zain rubbed the back of his neck.

“Actually I was looking for something. I had an anklet, guess I lost it. Did you see it?”

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