Chapter ELEVEN

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We had a schedule and rhythym now. I could not believe it. He was working on some super secret mission he wouldn't tell me about. I was working all day. And at nighttime, We were having amazing sex. I still had not given him an answer.
He was eager.

I had just came back from work when I found Sam in our half decorated living room. He was in his suit. "Ayla, I need to tell you something." He looked worried. "You're not gonna freak out, right?"

"What happened to Bucky?"

"Don't panic."


"We don't know what happened. He is M.l.A."

"What do you mean he is M.I.A.?"

"We can't find him."

I had to sit down. I looked at Sam. I could not comprehend anything during that moment. After what seemed like an eternity, I could actually focus on his words.

"He left me clear instructions. In case of his disappearance he wanted you to be Sent to Wakanda. Shuri will meet you there,"

"Wait, I'm not going anywhere."

"We don't know about his situation or what he has gotten into. So you have to, to be safe. Please, Ayla don't make this harder than it should be."

I remembered where I've stashed the super serum. I could not leave it in my office. I was keeping it there to hide it from Bucky. "I have to go to my office first." I said all of a sudden.

"OK, I'll send you in with guards."


The museum was quiet. The front desk sent me to my office. I had a guard with me. This felt weird. I went inside my office and kept the guard outside. I got the serum and put it in my pocket. Then I heard the guard's voice. "Stay in there, lock the door."

I heard some noises from the outside. Here it was. The inevitable we have discussed with Bucky many times. He told me that they would come offer his most prized posession. I was stuck in an office, helpless, without anything to defend myself with. Bucky tried to teach me some self defense tricks but I was not able to think of a single move.

Then it hit me. All this time, I held onto the serum. Because deep down, I wanted to be special as well. I wanted to be equals. With Bucky and everyone else. I have asked him about the process before. He was not suspected of anything. He told me about his process of turning into a Super soldier. I had no intention to be a soldier. I just wanted to be able to defend myself & him, if I had to. I held the serum in my hand. The noises intensified, I put the needle in, and pushed the syringe down.

Then, I just waited.

"We found her in an unconscious state. She seems fine." Someone said over my head. Then I heard Sam.

"Get her on the Jet, and get her out of here."

"Yes, sir."

I don't remember much from that day. I just remember being moved, constantly. Then, after what seemed like an eternity in agony, I woke up.

"She beats up the guy pretty badly." I heard someone say.

"There is no way She is not a super."

"She isn't though. She does not have a history of that in her family."

"What if something else happened?"

"Like what?"

"It is the super soldier serum."

"Where could she have found it?"


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