Chapter 6

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So, the first time I accidentally posted this chapter, I passed out and tapped publish. The second time was an accidental tap.


Eda: C'mon Mort! Open up already!

The stall door opened and a small man appeared.

Mort: Sorry Eda, I was up all night taste testing poisons.

Y/N: Taste testing poisons? Isn't that dangerous?

Mort: Yeah, but it's required.

Y/N: You should at least take a healing potion.

Eda: Alright enough chit chatting, I need my elixar!

I let Eda and Mort talk as I looked at the other stalls. I then started to think of Earth.

Later that day

I grazed my thumb over the small key and clicked the eye. A suitcase appeared and unfolded into a door.

Eda: Going somewhere?

I turned and saw Eda with her arms crossed.

Y/N: Yeah, I'm going to the human realm. I need to grab a few things and visit someone.

Eda: It could be dangerous over there.

Y/N: It's not as dangerous as Hell or as dangerous as wrestling a cursed witched.

Eda chuckled, I loved seeing her smile.

Eda: Maybe...

Y/N: Look, I'm just visiting someone. I promise to be back by tomorrow.

Eda: Okay, I'm heading out myself. I need more elixir.

Y/N: I know you're going to the Night Market. So you be careful.

Y/N waved goodbye as he entered the door. He looked around and sighed.

Y/N: I hope she still lives in town.

He headed into the woods and walked until he was at the edge of town. He took off his mask and walked down a street that was very familiar.

Y/N: Let's see... 407 should be around here somewhere.

Y/N kept walking until he saw a woman get out of a car.

Y/N: Camila!

Camila turned and her eyes widened.

Camila: Y/N? Is that really you?

Y/N: Yeah, it's me cousin. Been a while, huh?

Camila walked up to Y/N and looked into his eyes.

Camila: It is you...

Y/N: Yeah, sorry I haven't visited for a while.

Camila invited Y/N inside and they talked for a bit.

Y/N: So, what do you do these days?

Camila: I'm a health care worker, what about you?

Y/N: I'm a social worker. (Can't let her know I live in a magical world. She'll never believe it.)

Camila: That's nice.

Y/N: Yeah. I'm great at job too.

Y/N looked at a picture on the wall. He saw his cousin standing with...

Y/N: (Is that... Luz?!) Who's this?

Camila: Oh, that's my daughter Luz.

Y/N: Didn't know you had a daughter. Where is she?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2021 ⏰

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