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This is set in OOTP. If Ginny had been there to comfort Harry. I just randomly thought that Ginny should have been there for him as she is probably the only one to who could make him smile at a time like this.

Chapter 1

Harry stood in the Astronomy Tower, staring up in the sky, thinking about the past events this year. He had lost his Godfather. The only family he had. Sirius was gone. And he was not coming back. And it was all his fault. Only if he had listened to Hermione and not gone onto 'hero mode' to save his Godfather.

And now he had something else to worry about.The Prophcy. He had to be the one to to defeat Lord Voldemort. Him. How? He doesn't know. All he knows is that it's either Harry kills Voldemort or Voldemort kills him. Neither can live while the other survives

Harry heard footsteps behind him. Did someone know he was there. But he hadn't told anyone where he was going. He turned around to see someone standing in the shadows. Someone with long, flaming red hair.

"Oh. Hi Harry."

"Ginny I'm not in the mood of talking to anyone right now." Harry said while turning back to look at the sky. "And how did you even find me."

"I didn't know you were here." Ginny said, walking up to him.

"Oh. Well what are you doing here then?" Harry asked, looking at her.

"I come here sometimes to look at the stars. When I'm not feeling so good." Ginny said, looking at the stars in the sky.

"Are you OK? I mean you don't look sick. Do you have a high temperature? Or do you feel dizzy?" Harry questioned her, worryingly

Ginny giggled. "No you worrier. Always get worried so easily. I meant I'm not feeling good, emotionally. After well, you know. . ." Ginny trailed off.

Harry sighed, looking back up at the sky.

"I know you're really upset right now. After all Sirius was your Godfather." She said, looking sympathetically at him.

"You don't need to feel bad for me or tell me that everything's going to be fine. I've been there before. Last year, with Cedric. . . ." He flinched a bit as he said Cedric's name.

"I'm not going to tell you everything's going to be fine." Harry looked at her again.

"Because it will, eventually but not soon. It takes time. I was told that a lot after the chamber. 'Ginny it's going to be fine' 'Ginny everything's going to be OK'. It took time but I was myself again. Although I still have nightmares of that day, even today." Said Ginny

"D- did you have a nightmare today?" Harry said after thinking for a bit.

Ginny sighed. "Yes."

"I'm sorry I forgot about that, you know in Christmas break." Said Harry, apologetically.

"It's fine. I know you had a lot on your mind." Said Ginny.

They stood there in silence for a bit. Not awkward but just comfortable silence, as they stared into the sky. It was soon broken by Ginny.

"You know, whilst living at Grimmauld Place, Sirius and I got pretty close."

"Really?" Harry asked, clearly shocked.

"Yes." Ginny replied. "He told me how much he loved you. How he wanted to be proven innocent, not for himself but so that he can take care of you. Give you the love and life that you've always wanted but never got."

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