The Start of A Secret

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Chapter 2

Ginny looked at his lips then traced her thumb over them. Harry looked up at her, adorably, confused. She slowly leaned forward until the tips of their noses were touching. She looked him in the eye then closed her own and pressed her lips against his.

Harry didn't know what had just happened but her lips were soft. He closed his eyes and kissed her back. There was something in that kiss, something that wasn't there when he kissed Cho.

He pulled away momentarily, to look at her, her eyes were still closed. Without thinking, Harry kissed her again. Ginny lightly sucked on Harry's bottom lip until he slowly parted his lips. He moaned softly as she slipped her tongue in. Ginny pulled Harry closer, burying her hand in his hair.

At that moment, for the first time Harry felt as if he could forget everything. As if he could escape it. He didn't feel the need of being perfect, being the hero. With her there, he can be himself. He felt at peace, he felt. . . at home.

This kiss was nothing like what he had shared with Cho. That kiss was awkward. This kiss was passionate. It was a bit sloppy, as neither of them had enough experience, but there was still passion.

But then it came to him, what was really happening; he was kissing his best mate's sister. He was kissing his best mate's sister! He quickly broke the kiss and pulled away.

Ginny's eyes opened at Harry's sudden movement. What happened? She thought to herself, he was kissing me back then he just. . .

"What happened?" She voiced her thoughts out loud. "W-was the kiss bad?" Harry looked away from her, at his hands. "Talk to me. Please."

"It's my fault, I shouldn't have kissed you. I don't know what I was thinking." Ginny sighed. "I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable. I'll just go." She said as she started to get up.

"No." Harry said, holding her hand and gently pulling her back down. "The kiss wasn't bad. Actually, it was amazing. It felt so . . . right."

"Then why did you stop?" Ginny asked.

"Because. . . What would Ron say?" He said finally looking at her. "Ginny, the kiss we shared was brilliant, the best I've had. But you know how Ron reacted to Michael."

"I don't care about Ron!" Ginny said, fiercely.

"But I do and I can't loose him. He's my best mate." Harry said looking back down again.

"I understand." Said Ginny, sighing. "We'll just pretend it never happened. No one will know."

"But I don't want to pretend it didnt happen. I . . ." He looked up at her. "I want more to this. But I don't want to loose Ron."

"Harry you're not making any sense." She sounded a little frustrated.

"Ginny I. . . I really like you and I want there to be something between us. . . Something more than friendship." Said Harry, softly.

"So you want a relationship with me?" Ginny said, raising an eyebrow.

"Well. . .yes"

"Well say it then."

"Will you be my girlfriend Ginny?"

"Hmm depends. Will you be a good boyfriend, Harry?" She teased.

"I'll try." He smiled. But then it slowly faded. "But Ron. . ."

"Seriously Harry?"

"Ginny can we- can we keep it a secret?" Harry asked, hesitantly.

"A secret?"

"Yeah, like a secret relationship. We'll date but no one can know that we're dating." He said.

"I think I get the idea of a secret relationship." She said, squinting.

"So, do you want to?"

"I mean the idea of sneaking out in secret from everyone and snogging in a hidden place, does sound fun." She said, thinking. "Fine I'll be in a secret relationship with you."

Harry smiled but it faded again. "But aren't you dating Michael?"

Ginny smiled. "I was. He got all sulky when Gryffindor won against Ravenclaw so I ditched him. He ran off to comfort Cho and I think they might be dating." She explained. "You're not jealous, are you?" She asked, smirking.

"No not really. I don't think I really care about her anymore. Because I've found someone new to care about and get jealous over." Said Harry, tucking a lock of her hair behind her ear, Ginny smiled at his words. He placed a kiss on her forehead.

"My wish came true." Harry frowned. "I'm officially dating the boy of my dreams."

"The boy of your dreams eh?" Harry smirked. "The one who's eyes are as green as a fresh pickled toad?"

Ginny slapped his arm. "I was eleven and was crushing on 'The Boy Who Lived'."

"I see. So who is Miss Weasley crushing on now." Harry teased.

"This prat who, I have to say, does know how to kiss." Ginny played along.

"Sounds pleasant. Tell me more."

"He's really annoying."

"Annoyingly cute." Harry played his head on her shoulder again.

"No just annoying." Ginny kissed him on the head.

"Mmm. I could really get used to this."

"It's a secret, remember?"


There was bit of light coming from the horizon. It was nearly dawn.

"We'd better get back Harry, before people come looking for us and our secret relationship ends before it even starts." Said Ginny.

"You're right." Harry sat up. "But first." He pressed his lips against Ginny's. This kiss was soft and gentle. It had less passion than the last one but it still was just as special.

Harry broke the kiss and they both got up and straightened their clothes. Harry reached out his hand for Ginny to take and they both walked up to the castle.

"And where have you two been?" The Fat lady screeched as they reached the portrait hole. She was clearly mad that they had woken her up.

"Couldn't sleep so we went for a walk." Ginny responded. They told her the password and she let them in (not so happily).

Harry kissed the back of Ginny's hand. "I hope we'll be doing this soon." He said.

"Oh don't you worry." Ginny said, wrapping her arm around his neck. They shared a small kiss before departing.

To Be Continued . . .

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