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I know I haven't updated in a while. I don't really have an interesting reason as to why I haven't been updating. It's simply because I've been really busy writing new stories but I haven't forgotten about this one. If you guys are interested, I've started to write a few chapters of a Hinny muggle AU story.

Ginny kissed Harry on the cheek and said, "I'll see you in a bit, I need to go see some friends." Harry smiled at her.

Ginny met Dean on the way, who seemed to be avoiding her eyes. She found her friend Demelza Robbins along with some other girls.

"Hey, Ginny!" Demelza said, giving Ginny a hug.

"Hey, 'Mel!" Said Ginny. "So gonna try-out for quidditch this year?"

"Yeah, I really wanna play for Gryffindor and if the two of us are on the team together, then I won't hesitate as much." Demelza smiled. "By the way, do you know who's captain this year?"

"Yeah, Harry is."

"Really? I've heard lots about him but never actually talked to him. He is nice, right?" Demelza asked, nervously.

"He's really sweet. Trust me, you won't have any problems while he's captain." Ginny reassured her.

"I've only ever seen him in the common room and in the Great Hall."

"He's pretty cute though." Giggled one of the girls in the compartment; it was Aria, one of Ginny's dorm-mate's.

"Oh and those eyes of his." Said the Ravenclaw beside her, who Ginny didn't know the name of. "Him and Chang broke up last year, who would he'll pick this year?"

Ginny kept her cool; she had learnt to face jealousy since the age of 11 and knew exactly how to deal with it.

"Well I don't think Harry would get into another relationship so quickly just after his break up because I'm sure he's aware that girls only want to be with him because he's the rumoured 'Chosen One'." Ginny said, camly.

"Well I don't know about us but that fourth year, Romilda Vane, she's got an eye on him and from what I've heard, she's pretty stubborn and usally gets what she wants." Aria explained.

"I'm sure 'The Boy Who Lived' has faced much worse than a stubborn fourteen-year old." Said Ginny, narrowing her eyes. "And I'm pretty sure he wouldn't just give in just to get her off his back."

"You sound like you're his girlfriend or something." The Ravenclaw said, looking Ginny up and down.

Ginny opened her mouth to retort but a boy came bursting in the compartment. It was Zacharias Smith.

"Hey Weasley!" He said, "Can I ask you something?"


"What happened at the ministry?" He asked.

"Why are you asking me?" Ginny said, raising an eyebrow.

"Because Potter, Granger and your brother never tell anyone anything and out of Longbottom and loony you're the only decent one." He said, dumbly.

"First of all, don't call Luna 'loony' and second of all, I'm not telling you anything." She glared at him. "Now get out."

"Oh come on, don't be like that!" Smith said, crossing his arms.

"Look, Smith, get out before I-!"

"Before you what -?" But before he could finish, green slimy bats stared flying out of his nose. "What-? Get 'em off!"

The girls laughed as Smith desperately tried to rid them. Just them an enormously fat, old , bald man came in look shocked.

Ginny assumed this to be the new DADA professor Harry was talking about.

"Um professor I-" Ginny tried to explain her actions but Slughorn interrupted.

"Oh Merlin. That was a brilliant display of a Bat-Bogey hex young lady." He smiled. He took out his wand and pointed it at Smith, while murmuring a counter-hex. He looked back at Ginny, "Miss -?"

"Weasley, Ginny Weasley."

"Well Miss Weasley, I have invited a few students to have lunch with me, would you like to join us?" He asked, still smiling.

"Uh- I guess-"

"Great!" Slughorn said, as he pulled her along with him.


Ginny walked past Harry, Ron and Hermione in the corridors, slipping a small piece of parchment into Harry's hands, without the other two noticing.

In his domitary, after changing into his pyjamas, Harry opened the note. 'Meet me in the common room when you're sure everyone's asleep.' It said.

Harry looked out his curtains to see Seamus and Dean in a deep conversation, Neville's curtains were closed and so were Ron's. Harry closed his curtains only for them to be flung open by Ron, ten seconds later.

Ron finally went to bed after twenty minutes. Harry had started to climb into bed when he remembered he had to go meet Ginny. He grabbed his invisibility cloak 'just in case'.

Ginny was sitting on the seats near the fireplace. Harry walked up to her.

"Well hello there." He smiled.

"Finally." Said Ginny standing up to give him a hug. "I thought you'd stood up on me."

"Never. Ron wouldn't go to sleep."

"Of course." Ginny broke the hug and placed a kiss on his lips.

"So you called me here for something important or to snog my virtuous away?" Harry smirked.

"To snog your virtuous away." Ginny said pulling Harry into a kiss.

To Be Continued . . .

Sorry this was pretty short. I kind of rushed it.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2022 ⏰

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