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Chapter 3

"Are you feeling a bit better now?" Ron asked Harry as they both walked down the domitary stairs. "You were so upset last night. Hermione and I were really worried about you."

"There's no need to worry, mate. I'm feeling much better than I was before." Harry said with a small smile on his face. It was the truth, he was feeling better now but there was still a bit of sorrow.

Ginny and Hermione were waiting for then in the common room. Ginny gave Harry a bright smile, which Harry returned.

"Morning Harry, Ron." Hermione greeted.

"Morning. Can we we get breakfast. I'm starving." Ron said, exaggeratedly.

"Oh Ronald." Hermione said, rolling her eyes.

"What? I'm hungry." They started walking towards the portrait hole bickering, as always.

As Ron and Hermione's backs were on them, Ginny gave Harry a quick kiss on the lips. They went to follow, Ron and Hermione had already left.

"Guess they didn't notice us not being with them." Said Harry.

"Oh well." Ginny said, wrapping her arms around his neck. They leaned in for a kiss when they heard someone coming downstairs. They quickly moved away from each other and turned around to see who it was.

"Hey Harry!" Seamus smiled at him, Dean was behind him, looking nervous. "I needed to talk to you about something." Seamus grabbed Harry by the arm and dragged him out of the common room.

Ginny started following but Dean stopped her.

"Hey Ginny, I want to talk to you." He said.

"Ok. What it is?" She asked.

"Well I was wondering if- I mean I just- I really-" Dean stuttered.

"Dean, will you just spit it out already." Ginny said, as her stomach gave a growl.

"Ginny I- I really like you. And I was wondering if you would consider going on a date with me?" He asked, anxiously.

"Well Dean you see- I er-" How was she supposed to tell him that she's already going out with Harry? They had decided to keep it a secret.

"Please, just one date? I'll make it really special. I swear. You'll have the time of your life." Said Dean.

I am having the time of my life. "Look Dean, you're a really nice guy and I understand that you have feelings for me but I have feelings for someone else." Dean looked disappointed but you could see he was expecting it. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine." He sighed. "I guess I was expecting it. You're still not over Harry yet, are you?"

"What? No! I'm over him. There's others boys who are not Harry Potter, you know." She said, crossing her arms. It wasn't completely a lie; everyone thought she had a crush on Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived, no, she liked Harry, who she had become friends with and had now started dating, in secret.

"I understand. Well it was worth a try." He forced a small smile. "Bye." Dean left the common room, looking disappointed.

Ginny felt really bad. Dean looked really upset. But she was already Harry's girlfriend. Harry's girlfriend. She repeated in her head and smiled. So what if we can't tell anyone?

She went to look for Harry to tell him what happened.

She walked into the Great Hall and saw Harry sitting next to Ron, who was still bickering with Hermione, sitting opposite them. She walked up to them and sat down next to Hermione.

"I was hungry, Hermione."

"Yes but you could've at least said a proper 'good morning'."

Ginny decided to ignore them and looked at Harry instead. He smiled at her, shaking his head. She smiled back.

"Harry, will you pass me the butter dish?" Ginny asked.

"Sure." Harry picked up the butter dish and smiled as he remembered when Ginny used to have a crush on him; she had gotten nervous and had put the elbow in a butter dish by accident. He chuckled at the memory.

"Why are you laughing, mate?" Ron asked.

"Nothing just remembered something that happened a few years back." Harry said, looking at Ginny.

Ron shrugged and took another toast. Although, Hermione didn't miss the look Harry gave Ginny. She raised an eyebrow at him but Harry shrugged and passed Ginny the butter dish. Hermione looked at them for a bit but then focused back on the book she had next to her while eating her toast.

Ginny knew exactly what 'something' Harry had remembered. She made a face at him, which Harry smiled at.

After breakfast Ginny pulled Harry into a corner, where no one can see them.

"So Mr Potter, still making fun of my stupid, old crush on you?" She said, crossing her arms.

"I wasn't making fun of you," said Harry, "the memory just came to me."

"Well I was so embarrassed that back then. I never knew I'd be able to do this." Ginny said, wrapping arms around his neck. She placed a gentle kiss on his lips. Harry wrapped his arms around her waist, gently pushing her against the wall.

Harry broke the kiss and put a stand of her hair behind her ear and placed a kiss on her forehead. Ginny cupped both Harry's cheeks and stood on her tiptoes to place a kiss on his forehead. They smiled at each other.

"Hey, Harry, do you wanna have a code word?" asked Ginny.

Harry frowned. "Code word?"

"Yeah, something that only you and I know. Like if we want to tell each other something or tell each other to meet later, you know?" Ginny. explained.

"Hmm. Sounds like a good idea. That way we can even signal each other if there's something wrong." Harry smiled.

"Yeah. How about we tap something two times? So we don't have to say it."

"Sounds good but what if there's nothing to tap?"

"Then we can cough two times or clap or even click our fingers."

"Are you sure you haven't been in lots of secret relationships in the past?" Harry teased, smirking, pulling her close.

"Yeah a few." Ginny said, pretending to think. Harry's smirk wiped off his face and turned into a frown. Ginny smiled, pinching Harry's cheeks, playfully. "I'm joking." She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek making him smile. "Talking about dating, Dean just asked me out."

"Dean asked you out? When? What did you say?" Harry asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Yes he did, when Seamus took you away with him. And I said no of course." Said Ginny.

"Ohh, that's why. Seamus was just blabbering nonsense." Said Harry. "I'm sorry we can't tell anyone about us. It'll create a big fuss, everyone will try to get in our business."

"I know Harry. But it's kinda fun you know, a secret relationship." Ginny said, putting one hand on his cheek and holding his with the other.

"Summer holidays are going start and I'm gonna have to live with the Dursleys." Said Harry, rolling his eyes. "You'll write to me, won't you?"

"No I can't. I haven't got time Harry, sorry. I've got more secret relationships to handle. Oops." She said covering her mouth, dramatically. "I wasn't supposed to say that."

Harry glared at her. "Seriously?" He said.

Ginny chuckled and put her arms around his neck. "I'm joking. Of course I'll write to you, dummy." She places a kiss on his nose and he smiled at her.

Maybe next year won't be so bad. . . Harry thought to himself.

To Be continued. . .

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