Chapter 1

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Japan, musutafu

A man stood in front of a tombstone in a graveyard he was quite physically large and wore a black suit and tie, his skin was green and scaly with large teeth the man's name was waylon Jones aka killer croc, at the gate of the graveyard was a large black van, outside of it stood a man in brown pants and a bright yellow shirt he had blonde hair and a beard

Flag"hey! Waylon times up, we need to get you back to the prision"waylon glanced at him

Waylon"what about the boy?"flag froze as he listien to someone talking to him through an earpiece

Flag" dead, a euthanusim"waylon let out a small sad sigh as he climbed into the back of the van

16 years later

A team of officers in swat uniforms dropped down in to a sewer system they were acompanie dby death arms and snipe as they cautously scanned the sewers checking every corner and and every puddle

Snipe"even with my gas mask it stinks down here, who would want to live here"

Officer"a damn monster, guys a freak"

Deatharms"how about we focus on finding him-"

RAAAAGGGGGHHHHH!!!!they all froze as the roar echoed throughout the sewers along with the sounds of fighting, the sounds grew louder and louder as the officers readied there guns they all jumped back as a large crocidle man crashed through a wall as he slammed someone into a wall creating a large dust cloud

Snipe"freeze-"the crocidle tumbled back as a man in a black suit resembling a bat leapt onto his back and stabbed his shoulder with a bat shaped blade

Crocodile" get off of me bat bitch"the crocodile tryed grabbing him as he put a small bat shaped device onto his back and leapt off, he pressed a button on his gauntlet as the device electrocuted him causing him to fall down

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Crocodile" get off of me bat bitch"the crocodile tryed grabbing him as he put a small bat shaped device onto his back and leapt off, he pressed a button on his gauntlet as the device electrocuted him causing him to fall down

Batman"stay down waylon!"waylon mearley let out a pained groan as he sat up and surrendered, the police and snipe aimed there gun at the two as batman turned around

Snipe" freeze, your under arrest for the act of robbery and assault aswell as many other, and your under arrest for the act of vigilantisi-"snipe was cut of as a cloud of black smoke engulfed him and as the smoke cleared he was nowhere to be seen

Death arms" guess we just got the croc"the officers carefully put a pare of handcuff on him as they led him out


Waylon Jr pov

I sat at a steel table in a dimley lit room in the corner of the room sat a maned turret just in case I tried anything, I let out a sigh as the door opened and a certain small white rat bear came in, he sat at the table and placed down a plate with a blue steak on it,

Nezu"hello Mr Jones, or would you rather I call you waylon"

Jr"killer crocs fine"

Nezu"do you know who i am"he looked up at me as I towered over him, I looked down on him as he awaited my answer

Jr"nezu right? Ua?"he smiled at me before clapping his hands together

Nezu"correct, in one of my classes there is a space left and I would like you to fill that" I kinda froze as I heard him, he wanted me to go to a school for heros

Jr"and if I refuse?"

Nezu"then you shall be placed in a supermax prison in America for the rest of your life" quite the hard choice was I given be a hero or be sent to jail I looked at him before grabbing the teak and tearing a bite out of it

Jr"fine, geuss ima be hero"he laughed and bid me ado before leaving


No pov

Jr stood in a small white room with a simple bed, a dresser and a mirror he wore a bigger version of the ua uniform he looked at himself in the mirror he looked at the tie and most of uniform in slight anoyance

Jr"hell no"he took of the tie and tore off the sleeves, he smiled as he grabbed a giant duffle bag, he stepped out the house and saw a large black van awaiting him, he climbed in the back as the driver brought him to ua, Jr got out as he walked up to the gat and got several looks and glares from his appearance, he entered the large building and found soon found his class 1a, a large door stood in front of him as he stared at it

Jr"do giants go to this school or something"he opened the door and saw a blonde kid getting shouted at by a boy with blue hair, jr just stood there as the two argued, the kid with the blue hair stopped as he stared at him

Blue"what happened to your uniform"

Jr"modified it a bit"jr scanned the room looking for an open seat, soon he saw a seat in the back and made his way to it, he dropped his bag and sat down as most of the class stared at him and murmerd, they all froze when a green haired kid stood at the door, the blue haired kid marched up to him and the two started chatting, jr couldn't care less as he stared forward and the girl in front of him turned around and introduced herself

Yaoyorozu"hello i am momo yaoyorozu"she looked at him and offered a handshake, she spoke in a formal tone and had long black hair in a pony tail, she was quite tall but still shorter then jr

Jr"names jr"he declined the handshake as he leaned back in his chair as he noticed a man climbing out of a sleeping bag, he wore a green jumpsuit with a thine scarf covering hi sneck and had long messy black hair he stood in front of the two boys and a girl who had just entered

Aizawa"hello, I'm shota aizawa.... Your teacher"the class was taken a bit as he pulled out a small blue white and red ua jumpsuit"alright let's get to it, put these on"

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