chapter 13

431 7 1

Belle reve

In an under ground dock a large black sub surfaced out of the water as the guards around it fired , small turret popped out the top as fired rubber bullets at all of them, then the hatch opened as uraraka, bakugo, todoroki and nightwing stepped out of it

In an under ground dock a large black sub surfaced out of the water as the guards around it fired , small turret popped out the top as fired rubber bullets at all of them, then the hatch opened as uraraka, bakugo, todoroki and nightwing stepped ou...

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Nightwing"all right our part of the plan is simple get to the clone facilities and release them, them join batman and the rest to take out waller"

Bakugo"let's just blow there shit up"

Nightwing"no! That could severely harm the clones and bistanders, we do this my way"nightwing led them through a door and hallway, they came into a large room with a large steel pool

Uraraka"is this it?"

Nightwing"no, it should be one floor down...this is a cell for some"

Guard"hey!"the group looked across the room as they saw a guard and deadshot, the guard said something on a radio as he deadshot fired at them, todoroki and uraraka took cover behind a metal crate of fish as nightwing and bakugo hid behind a wall, nightwing took out a silver wing ding and tossed it around the wall as he took out another device and controlled it

Deadshot"the hell you think you're doing!"deadshot quickly shot the wing ding as night cursed under his breath

Guard"keep them pinned down! I'll try and get the big guy up"

Nightwing"shoto! You think freeze the water"Shoto quickly ran out of cover as froze the water beside him, he froze the top of water as deadshot ran out of ammo, nightwing stepped out as he used small a bat law to pull him into the ice, nightwing detached the wire as stream of bullets flew past his face, he threw a regular black and blue wing ding as he threw it at the guard that fired at him, bakugo luanched himself forward and slammed his palm into the ground and released an explosion as something bashed against the ice

Shoto"what was that!?"

Deadshot"he's awake!"shoto set down another layer of ice, nightwing and uraraka ran to the remaining guards as nightwing leapt into the air and drop kicked one before repeatedly hitting Another in the chest and face, he blocked a punch as he slammed his face into the guards chest as uraraka punched guard and flipped him behind her and slammed him into the ground as bakugo blasted the rest away as nightwing tried to pry a door open

Nightwing"shoto keep layering the water with ice, bakugo give me a hand"

Bakugo"outta my way feather head"nightwing leapt back as bakugo blasted the door open the group stepped in as they entered a room with several glass cells and controll panels each cell filled with kei clones, shoto ran in as he froze deadshot to the wall and welded the door shut, as they looked around

Nightwing"now to free the clones"nightwing ran over to a cell labelled sebun-8 as he looked at the security pannel

Clone"you can't open the cell from the panel! You need a security card"

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